Tuesday, 25 March 2025

KenR - A Yarkshire Gamer Round Up Challenge XV


There used to be a game show in the UK called Bullseye ๐ŸŽฏ  a knowledge / darts based quiz and at the end of the show, if you lost the host would say "look what you could have won" (usually something totally impractical like a speedboat ) well above is what you could have won if I'd got the end of the Challenge right ๐Ÿ˜† I always use 00.01 as one minute past midnight so I convinced myself that 12.01 am was midnight on the 20th so I went to bed with these three ships to finish off the next day and submit with a few hours spare. Imagine my surprise when I woke up and the Challenge was over !

So the centre piece of the Challenge never made it, here's a look at HMS Warspite a 1/700 scale monster, it's what you could have won ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

I've divided the Challenge entries that I did get in, into wet and dry. Here is the dry bit, I had intended to make a dent in my 28mm Napoleonic Project but only managed a couple of units, a French Foot Battery and a Prussian Fusilier Battalion. I also managed a couple of units of Spanish Heavy Cavalry for my Italian Wars collection.

The wet bit was a bit more successful and I managed (with the late comers) to get all bar one ship done for my Narvik Project. Other than the Warspite, there are 5 German Destroyers, 3 British H Class, 2 Tribal, 2 F Class and a solitary K Class Destroyer for the Royal Navy.

So it was quite a positive Challenge in terms of getting the Narvik Project done but I was a long way short of my target and loosing 200 points by getting the end if the Challenge wrong didn't help either ๐Ÿ˜†

Thanks once again to Curt for organising this wonderful yearly event, thanks to Teemu, my Minion (and all the others), hopefully see you all again next year, unless of course you tune into the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast in which case, see you next week ๐Ÿ˜€ 


  1. I really liked. your wet stuff, the Warspite looks ace!

  2. A great effort Ken. Shame Warspite never made it though.

  3. That will teach ya! Nevertheless it was a still a pretty effort .

    1. I've only done it twice in 10 years ๐Ÿ˜†

  4. Very focused Challenge, it is a shame that am and pm are still used around the world while 24h format is available. :)

  5. Another great Challenge for you, Ken! I love your ships, glad we got to see the Warspite after all. See you next week! Or is it seethee?

  6. No matter the points it was all great looking work.

  7. Warspite is glorious, and the naval project is, as ever, a total stunner. Great Challenge Ken!

  8. I continue to be amazed by your painting and modelling. The ships are superb.
