Saturday 12 March 2022

From ScottM: Perelandra & Terra (55 points)

For this post, I've managed to stop off at two locations in this Quadrant. First up is my last location in the Middle Ring: Perelandra. I went with the Ocean theme and have a Giant Octopus. This plastic figure is from Wizkids Deep Cuts line.

Simple and easy fig to paint. It does look a bit better in person. I've never been able to master the art of taking decent pictures.

And for my first location on the Inner Ring, I stopped at Terra. I went with the Earthbound theme and have a pair of Xorns. These plastic figs are also from Wizkids and from their Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures line.

And here am I so far. Hopefully I can scramble out one more post.

So that should be:
  • 3 - 28mm foot figs = 15 points
  • 2 locations (Perelandra & Terra) = 40 points
Total = 55 points

From Millsy:

I really like you colour choice for the Giant Octopus Scott. That iridescent blue is so saturated and vibrant. A great choice but I can understand why it was hard to photograph too. It's also the colour Aussie kids get drummed into them means BAD when you find it on the beach :-P

And what's not to love about a Xorn? All they want is hugs.


  1. I really like your vibrant octopus!

  2. Nice D&D figures, the octopus looks great.

  3. Love the octopus, it's a very distinctive blue.

  4. Nice minis Scott! Not something I'd like to bump into on a dark alley...

  5. Some interesting creatures, the painting is great! The octopus is ace!

  6. These are great, love the blue.

  7. Nice work. Love the blue on the octopus!
