Wednesday 9 March 2022

From DavidB: Skaro iz Ghaz (245 points)

So before diving in, above is an Iron Scar ...erWhite Scar basecoated in contrast paints over a white primer. the black areas were also given a base coat of coal black P3 paint which is a dull midnight blue.

Here he is again after I began tidying up the splashes with Acylic paints and a white P3 paint mixture that is more of an eggshell blue. All non white areas have been given some light coats of acrylic mid tones for color depth judiciously to keep some of the desired effects from the contrast and eliminate contrast puddles where not needed.

Corax white and ceramite white finished the armor and all other areas got additional highlights including orange and some yellow for the red areas. a glaze here and there and this marine is ready for basing with maybe 3 hours of brush time....probably why I like the contrast paints and this is the most stress free white I have ever done!

So.... Skaro is a place for mad scientists and robots. Can't possibly get more mad than an ork Mechaniac(yup, mechanic and maniac combined) 

A very old ork dreadnaught that is metal. It does show it's age as the Ork Killa kans are just as big. I painted him as a Bad Moon machine as my Ork force lets everybody orky come to "da krumpin"

The detail is a little stiff, but this is a big clanky machine. some weathering from mud and spilt oils softened it up enough...not too soft mind. it is still able to bash some 'eads

The killa kans got a grey primary to match the Blood Axe boyz. Some errant spot colors and highlights before they too got weathered up into the fine gobbo, cyborg, bots they are.

So much fun splashing typhus corrosion on them then aging them with metallic paints, ryza rust and nihilakh oxide.....( weird names but nice weathering products)

Some mega nobs in orky power armor clanking in support with the fellow on the left being a mek boy with a "kustum force field projekta" He might be the mechaniac responsible for the big, clanky, ork cyborg bots

Yes that is an old Ghazghul Thrakka, he is a finecast model and the only one I the right is a metal mega nob.This ghaz is now a lieutenant as he is small(just wait) and "weedy"

The plastic mega nobz do have their uses and the kit came with lots of weapons and their arms are magnets needed.

I painted up some different weapons for plug-n-play .

just be careful as the ork to the right is permanently armed with the combiflamer because I was too forceful with weapon swaps.

Freebooters....all the color and tricorne, bicorne hats and arrrrgh matey check out the snaaaz gunz!

Only thing cooler than pirates and orks are pirate orks!

Of course I should've built them in assemblies for painting, but like a gobbo hopped up on expresso, I built them entirely then mashed paint brushes in recesses like a goblin hopped up on expresso!

Finally, a tactical rock for the big Ghaz hisself!

He got a nice hand painted horned skull on his tabard.

ready fer serious krumpin!

the bullet holes, frayed wires, gashes, gouges....

Lookit dat claw!

two batteries, a fancy red light and a hand crank fer just in case...

They have been on my desk since Tamsin sent me to the Death star, just didn't quite get the boyz done till now. Ghaz was just finished before I began this post! the way, Ghaz claims Skaro. Lotz of stuff to krump here!

Some White Scar Eradicators. 

At this fellows feet is an empty power pack for his gun hissing and smoking in the snow

5 veteran intersessors to escort the captain or other characters in battle.

The only squad entirely without helmets as I wanted to mark them with scars on faces.

The sgt model got the upgrade whitescar sprue chainsword and head. I hate how GW painted the head, but really it is a nice sculpt...mine looks more mongol!

Some helblasters with heavy plasma guns to scrap vicks and heavy infantry

I converted the sgt into drawing a knife while his plasma gun cools...or maybe his target doesn't rate hot plasma?!

just a bit more red on the backpacks to break up the white expanse.

Greg covered this model very well in his post, mine was done with contrast over different colors of acrylic paint. only hourglass and sword were pure white primer.

The holster and duster were both painted with snakebite leather contrast over different brown acrylic paint. the duster was painted in a dark brown with some highlights from a tan on raised areas while the holster was skull tan. i also painted his gloves and belt in the same tan then used a red contrast paint to simulate red leather. it was practice for a future white scar captain.

Same treatment for the chaplain, but extra care for his tabard and the bionic eye and skull.

With all the black, his tabard reflects the white scar colors.

I like these models a lot and was glad the experiments worked well on them as usually experiments go bad especially on special character models!

some spicy white scars to add to the rest.

A little off my time mark, but I didn't allow these guys to distract me...too much!
and ghaz does not allow anyone to upstage him!

Skaro- 20 points
orky dread- 20 points and zero skullz
killa Kans- 60 points and one skull
Freebootas- 25 points and 12 skullz
Mega Nobz- 25 points and a lucky 13 skullz
Ghazghul Thrakka-20 points? and 7 skullz

White Scar Interssesors- 25 points and 9 skullz
Helblasters- 25 points and 7 skulls
Eradicators- 15 points and 9 skulls
Judicar- 5 points and 12 skulls( didn't count his skull like noggin)
Chaplain- 5 points and 17!...17 skulls!
245 points and 87 skullz

That's another great collection of Orks and Space Marines, David!




  1. Lots of nice 40k stuff, David! I really your quick and fast white.

    1. Thanks, Teemu! I hated painting white till I found this method. My whites always looked dirty before or too clean!

  2. All of the minis look great, but I really like the bright colourful Freebooterz. Nice work.

    1. Thank you, Stuart! It was fun making them the flashiest of gits, but it was a slog with the colors, checks, and slashes. I do like the end result though!

  3. I really like the Mechaniac!

    1. Thank you, Natasha! He was fun to paint with all his doodads and equip lights!

  4. Nice work David - white is one of the trickiest colours to manage, particularly on the power armour of Space Marine models. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Greg! Contrast white made it easy, but it did take a few tries to nail the method down. I have also shredded a lot of cheap brushes painting them. My Sable brushes are not going anywhere near the contrast paints!

  5. 2 Ghaz’s in one submission? What a treat! These have come out great, I particularly like the colour choices on the freebooterz and I can absolutely commiserate with you on the “build pretty toys and then realise you have to mash brushes into tiny spots to paint them” problem :)

    1. Thanks, Jamie! I feel horrible that the older one sat in primed state and hasn't hit the table. Now I will have a gnarly Lt to back up the big boss Ghaz.
      I probably should remember this lesson with the freebooters, but I probably will do it again!

  6. Fabulous work David! I very much like how your White Scars and specialists turned out. Brilliant!

    1. Thank you, Curt! I lucked into the white trick by sheer stubbornness. I am happy my experiment with the chaplains turned out well!

  7. Love the freebooters,killer kans and all the other orky goodness but the white scars are fab and you've convinced me on the contrast paint for white!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! After all the contrast painting it was a lot of fun slogging through the orks and their black primer.
      The white contrast is the best way to go. I'm not intimidated by white uniforms or armor anymore. Definitely a trick worth sharing. ;)

  8. That lot are impressive and I wonder about borrowing the white idea for SYW Austrians

  9. Tons of wacky 40k stuff David, love it!

  10. awesomeness David! Love the Ghaz's best but the White Scars are very good as well!
