Saturday 12 March 2022

From Curt: Elven Squirrel Raider vs Bell Sentries! (75 Points)

Hi All!

I'm back with a few more figures from the marvellously creative and quirky CobraMode. 

This time we have an elven female fighter, astride her giant battle squirrel, facing off against a quartet of enchanted bell sentries whose mist-like forms carry monstrous war hammers. 

I know, it's all completely mental, but I love 'em.

All of these figures were great fun to work on. The squirrel rider turned out to be quite a delicate model with lots of nooks and crannies to contend with, requiring me to paint most of the component parts before final assembly. 

Still, all the bits went together without a hitch. I decided to pin her mount's leg to the base as everything is balanced on that single limb. 

On the other spectrum, the Bell Sentries were one-piece models and a complete doodle to paint up. As I kept the colours pretty straightforward, they cracked off fairly quickly. I decided to do non-metalic metals for these as I found the anime style seems to work well for them.

As to points, the elven rider and her steed are 40mm figures so I'll count them as cavalry (15 points), and the four Bell Sentries are around 54mm + so 10 points each (for another 40). I'll use the female elf as my passage to Noel's Comet on Sarah's Star Yacht, which will give me another 20 points. So, 75 points total.

Thanks for dropping in!

- Curt

From Millsy:

Completely mental or not these are wonderful Curt!

There's a terrific dynamism to the Bell Sentries which your grey-blue colour choice really emphasises. I get a real sense the bells are floating, hovering and darting about, as hard to get a handle on as smoke. Good choice with the NMM for the bells themselves, I think a proper metallic would have seemed understated for these.

The squirrel is a great expression of how I imagine they are able to scamper up and down vertical surfaces. I can't imagine its easy to stay in the saddle when that's happening but if anyone could it would be an elf. I think you've done a wonderful job with the paintwork, especially given how complex the miniature is, full of hard to reach parts.

These are another great addition to your collection mate. I never paint these kinds of things but I am always tempted when I see work like this. You've made me want to watch The Sorcerer's Apprentice again (the Fantasia one, not the Nick Cage thingy).



  1. What a wonky, but wonderfully painted miniatures! Of course the Squirrel is my favourite, great stuff!

  2. The Squirrelfinder General approves of this entry!
    Those are some great minis, the squirrel rider is a cool model, but I love the ghostly bell sentries.

    1. I thought the Squirrelfinder General would be pleased with this humble offering. :)

  3. Wonderfully quirky miniatures, Curt! Lovely paint jobs! :)

  4. Another squirell?! Looks great and the bells look suitably creepy too.

    1. What? I've only had one that I recall. :)

  5. Battle squirrels and bell sentries, what is the world coming to? The painting is awesome as ever though, wondrously weird figures these!

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'm happily living in the margins here. :)

  6. These are crazy minis, but your painting makes the look real!

  7. Two words, battle squirrel! Absolutely bonkers and wonderful. Love the tail standing on end. Also love the bell sentries, I think we’ll have lots of Quasimodo jokes if those make it on the table.. “the bells, the bells,….”

    1. Thanks Peter, I'm delighted you like them. I'll have to dream up some scenario to get them on the tabletop.

  8. These are brilliantly bonkers! Great paint choices, that squirrel rider is fantastic, really captures the dynamic model pose.

  9. Thanks Millsy. I usually don't paint these kinds of things either, but I've been enjoying straying out of my usual wheelhouse. Change is good, I figure.

  10. That's another masterclass of painting again Curt - I just can't fathom where you get all these weird and wacky figures from

  11. I dont know where you find these figures .... great painting and love the crisp colour contrasts!

    Cheers Jez

  12. Those bell sentries are great!
