Wednesday 9 March 2022

From RayR - Donnybrook - Polish Haiduks (95 points)


Staying on the Vienna 1683 project for my next post.
I've been scrambling for info on the Polish Infantry that was sent as part of the relief force to Vienna.
It would have saved me a lot of fuss to include these in my venture to the centre of the Challenge Quadrant, but alas, I'd already started painting these and perhaps some other too?????

From what I've read so far it only looks like 2 units were sent?
And as per usual I don't know what 2 units and what they wore?

So I've gone for a generic blue coated faced red.
The 8 figures on the left are from Essex Miniatures,
The 8 on the right are from The Assault Group.
The 3 command figures are also from TAG.

I found the flag online here on Another Miniatures Painting Blog , this and other on the site are taken from The Stockholm Roll.
The “Stockholm Roll”, a 16 m long painting depicting the entry of the wedding procession of King Sigismund III Vasa into the city of Kraków in 1605, is now on show in the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

The Essex figures were a little smaller all round than the TAG figures, so I double based them, which bought them up to the same height, which made the fit in a little better. Not perfectly, but it'll do fine for me and the Rejects.
I will need to print the flag off again, with a better quality paper, as this one is rather 
wishy washy in colour.

19 x 25mm figures @5pts each

95 points!
This should push me back up to 7th place, only 3 points ahead of Kerry!!
And 39 points behind Miles!
Great work Ray, I know the defenders of Vienna will appreciate any relief support they can get! Well done. 



  1. Very nice Ray, very colourful.

  2. Fabulous looking Poles, Ray. I love TAG figures, but they certainly are beefy.

    1. They certainly are. Great figures though, bit of a bugger to clean up too, lots of flash.

  3. Great looking Polish renaissance foot!
    Best Iain

  4. Nice-looking Poles, Ray! :)

  5. Nice and colourful, Ray! Top4 seems to be in a league of their own, but pretty much everything else is still open.

    1. Yep, Top 4 have it sown up, it'll be a fight to stay in the top 10 I think?

  6. Excellent painting and great presentation backed up by a superb flag

    1. Cheers Kerry, I'm pleased how they came out.

  7. Replies
    1. It is, imagine have to wave that around while dodging musket balls!

  8. I particularly like the command group.

  9. Loving this Vienna project Ray. Those look like steely veterans. Love the blue coats and that flag!

  10. Fabulous color. Great project.

  11. you know Ray, it's entries like these that make me wanna see your end of Challenge pictures as I imagine there to be a riot of exotic, bright and extremely well painted figures!
