Monday, 22 February 2016

From IanW Baccus Light Cavalry 47 Points

When I started painting these figures I not unreasonably thought they would be a quick paint, after all my Ancients in 6mm really get a quick going over, a splash of ink and on to the next unit. Well that works when they are uniform, not so well when they are all different colours!

First up five units of Saka horse archers, each of these are on a 60x60 base but unlike most of my Ancient units each base is really light on figures with only seven to a base.

Each unit is formed in a cantabrian circle, something that normally is shown on the wargames table as a rectangle. I now have seven of these units, probably more than I will ever need so Lee will probably be getting a couple of these for his other Ancient army. 

I used a total of twenty six different colours for the clothes across the five bases as well as eight different horse colours. This supplies a wealth of different colours and goes against the main rule I am painting these armies too. That being some form of colour connection but I am ok with that. These will be mostly used for my Persian army that I am just starting off, the last few weeks of the challenge will be seeing more of this army.

Next up are two bases (60x40) light cavalry with javelin. The bases are not as deep as the Saka as I reason they would not need the space to skirmish in as the Saka. Again being a skirmish unit they lack numbers. When I start the Persian infantry and cavalry units you will see a different story.

These are all Baccus and as such are very nice figures with little clean up work. These also painted up really quickly unlike their friends.

So these come in at 47 figures in total for 47 points. Nothing like the bombs that arrived on Saturday but it does add a fair amount of units to my armies.

Hordes of light cavalry from the Steppes, I just love these Ian.  The detail that you have put in making these bases into little dioramas is stunning.  The Saka are particularly lovely in their circles.  And I have just noticed that you have painted blazes and stars on your horses foreheads, you madman you!  
That's another 47 points to your lead in the 6mm side duel.  You may need these as I suspect a points bomb from Tamsin is due.


  1. Nice Saka horde Ian. I can't catch you now, so I'll tip my hat and concede defeat in the 6mm side duel - it's between you and MarkO now! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, I have to admit I did consider bribing Peter at Baccus in not supplying you any reinforcements till after the challenge but his rates were too high :-)


    2. Too many other projects to think about adding more 6mm to the pile right now, so even if you had managed to bribe him it wouldn't have been needed :)

    3. I hear you on too many projects LOL. Well it's the first time I have won you and you will still beat me silly on total points :-)


  2. What a terrific bunch of nomads - I'm amazed at the quality of these new small sculpts, and at the quality of the painting we're seeing on 10mm and under during the Challenge.

    The basing is the icing on the cake - the circular formation is brilliant!

    1. Thanks Evan, as mentioned above I really wanted the troops in 6mm to use such formations so as to look as nice as possible. Only 7 figures on the same size base I will also cram 96 pike for the same army, can't not do that LOL


  3. These are gorgeous! That basing is just fantastic, the formation and the negative space really brings this to life.

    Another batch of 6mm beauty from you today Ian!

    1. Thanks Anne, looking forward to getting all these on the table


  4. The bow strings are particularly good Ian... Not too curly

    1. Thanks Dave, I used Cath's tongues on them ;-)

      Fortunately few people are in on this one LOL


  5. They look just grand Ian! The mixture of colours really pays off in the end product.

    1. Thanks Curt, I am happy with the finished article


  6. If I was going to do a 6mm ancient army these are what I would aspire towards! I think they are fantastic. I really do like them a lot.

    1. Cheers Clint, well Big Lee is doing juet the two armies so you could go head to head with him


    2. I do realise this and have emailed him as well. We should both be going to the same show next Sunday so maybe we can sit and have a chat.

      Knowing the armies he has I have suggested Numidian or Ptolemaic Egyptian.

    3. Numidian are tough to play with as they are so light and easy to push back, all depends on the rules of course

      May be you will be doing 6mm ancients in next years challenge


  7. Impressive, love the guys riding in a circle.

  8. Replies
    1. They do take up the lime light for sure


  9. The circling guys are indeed pretty darn good, but truly I like them all. So nice and colourful.

    1. I have gone with bright very much on purpose as I want the whole project to shout at you


  10. Grand looking light horse,Ian! I really like the diorama effect of the bases including the circling squadrons! Really nice work! ;)

  11. Very nice model, Simon! Excellent brushwork on him too! He looks somewhat like 5he Iron Giant from the film, but as this one is wooden, I suppose it's the Iron Giant's grandpappy! ;)
