Thursday 31 March 2016

KyleC's Challange - Race to WW2 it seems..

Ok.. so this was my first time in the event, and I have to say that it was a great experience.. right up until I had to move house and things came crashing down around my ears...

In the end although I had prepped a lot, and was well prepared for the event, I did come up quite short overall. I knew that there would be some slow days, and weeks, for work. But the move had shifted my entire ability to paint away for a good month period. Making it very difficult to get back up and running afterwards.

Thankfully I do believe I still got a good amount finished up. My USMC forces being the best part of it overall, and one that I am already sad that I am feared of playing down at the club. I had hopes that it would take a bit longer than a month to make that happen.. oh well.. onwards to another force I guess :)

I was not able to photograph everything. Especially the sci-fi models as they were all done on commission ( great motivation here! ) and have been given back to the client already. But of my own forces I was quite shocked to see that I had not painted any of the prepped models really, and had focused solely on my Bolt Action models instead! With a slight twist to some modern hasslefree pieces and cowboys due to other interests that came up suddenly.

As for a photo of myself.. this is what I pretty much looked like throughout the duration of this contest. Much spraying happening with the airbrush on those lovely tanks.. and many more of them to go now with my Canadians in full force these days.

Thanks again for running this competition, and hopefully I can join in the fun once more next year! Though maybe with a significantly lower target points value?


  1. Well done Lee it indeed does seem like you were immersed in tanks this challenge.


    1. Yes, it really does seem that way. I am really having a lot of fun with them in Bolt Action at the moment, so hence the big push to get them painted up!

  2. A fantastic Challenge from you this year. As for the pic, that would have been ideal for AHPC3, the year of "The 47 (Brush) Ronin" :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, was a great experience and hopefully I can do it again next year.

  3. Grand work on the tanks, Kyle! Of course it IS more entertaining to paint without the respirator as conversations with hallucinations are more substantial! ;)

    1. I fully agree with you on that David.. normally that is the case when I was in the last house and it had better ventilation. A slight vapor high is ok.. but this new place has no windows.. so the rest of the house gets all the fun while I paint away happily :D

  4. You've got quite some stuff done it seems!

    1. Cheers mate, but it is all of stuff that was not planned as much. And the rest of it.. well it will wait till the next competition most likely! :D

  5. I love your Canadians in Italy stuff Kyle. That observation stand was brilliant.

    1. Thanks Curt. Expect a lot more Canadians in Italy on my blog in the coming weeks. Including a display board ;) Maybe even a full dedicated gaming table to them :D

  6. Terrific final tally, Kyle; the tanks were especially good, and I agree with Curt about that OP. That really was splendid!

    1. Thanks Evan, I really had a lot of fun with it, and I want to do more of these little scenes. Will see how it goes with the rest of the army!

  7. Yep, cracking challenge and superb tanks

  8. Excellent stuff. You look ready to go Banzai with the airbrush! cheers

    1. If you ever have the chance to go Banzai in life.. go Banzai.. never regret it..

  9. I was in awe of the speed you went at to start things off and managing to keep the quality up - brilliant output.

    1. I was on holidays in the beginning, and I had hoped to keep some of the speed throughout the competition. Next time, no moving house. Hopefully... and then I can keep up the pace a bit better.. maybe ;)

  10. Wow now you have made me nervous I use a mask but nothing as complicated as that one when I airbrush

    1. It did double duty with the gezi riots in Istanbul. Neither should be needed but we are where we are... Or were...
