Wednesday, 4 January 2017

WEDNESDAY from: PaulS : Where the wild buffalo roam... (20 Points)

This here challenge is being challenging this year, with life and bonus round entries taking too much time away from the main challenge. The Armour bonus entry has taken a lot longer than expected to complete, so last night saw a very quick entry being pulled together for today's weekly post. Not sure what has happened to the colours in the photos, but there is a lot more contrast and tone in reality (honest!). So for now, that is 2x 28mm buffalo.
One of the projects in the pipeline for this year is Western themed, so I thought it would be good to have some wild buffalo to wander the plains... and be hunted until there are no more. I picked these up at Salute from Warbases. The casts are better than the cattle I bought at the same time (coming in a future week), but still not brilliantly good. At least they don't have gaping holes in their stomachs!

ByronM: I will believe you Paul, since I have similar issues taking pictures all the time!  I like the figures and the paint jobs.  It's always nice to see something on the table other than just the game figures and basic terrain, it adds a lot of character to the setting.  Sorry to hear that they are not great casts though, but hey at least they worked out and its a bit easier to take poor castings on terrain type pieces than actual game figures.  

I am going to score them as mounted or monster figures and award 10 points each for a total of 20 points.  I look forward to seeing more of your Western Theme in future weeks.


  1. Well despite your camera and casting issues you have done a good job.


  2. Give me a home where the buffalo roam, and I'll send you the bill for carpet cleaning...

    Lovely work on what must have been some difficult casts. The cattle with holes in their innards may need to be repurposed for alien invasion scenarios!

    1. Thankfully when based in a group the holes do not appear to be all that obvious with a black undercoat. We shall see if they still look ok with some paint on later

  3. Those look like some good burgers on the hoof! Well done Paul.

  4. Hmm . I need some of these I think... nice work

    1. For you "some" probably means an even 1000 or so :-)

  5. These look good and despite your camera's best efforts you can see the tones coming through.

    Cheers, Ross

  6. That's the spirit Paul First Tamsin then me and now you. Who will be next in the unofficial animal side challenge that we didn't tell Millsy about! (hee hee hee)

    Joking aside excellent, a joy to be hold.

  7. Nice work. They'll be great on the table to help give the feel of the Wild West setting. :)

  8. good entry I can still see plenty of tone on these figures.

  9. What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison? You can't wash your hands in a buffalo!

    Nice figures :)

  10. Nice critters, will work well as accents for western themed games, I think. I like to see people investing money and painting time in accent pieces like these.
    Maybe give the horns a slight wash, as animal horns in nature tend to be dirtier looking.

  11. I've got no beef with these. They're great! :-)

  12. I love mobile scenery. Nice work!
