Friday 27 December 2019

From DaveD - 10mm Barbarians - "For Joshua" Project - 204 points

This is my first post of the Challenge and me its a really important one. This is part of the "For Joshua" project set up by JamesM of this parish and MadTin Hatter fame (or aka the Detroit Sherman factory) .  The link to the project can be found here , and the link the James' video is here.  This is a very noble cause and if you have not seen it - its worth a visit.

Along with a number of our local gamers and people around the world we are doing what we are good at to help out the charity that helped James and Amy at their worst of times.

So here I give you my contribution which is a Barbarian horde .. now bear in  mind I don't generally do "spear chucking" this is a little out of the normal for me . The figures by Pendraken were all very crisply cast and were easy to paint. Leon from Penraken has graciously contributed some free figures to the project too - thanks mate.

altogether :-
10mm Foot x140 figures
10mm Mounted x 12 figures
10mm vehicle/equivalents -- 10 (6 catapults and 4 very large mammoths!)

total 194...

Right then ... let me go and find something with a gun and a uniform..

cheers DaveD

From MilesR:
Dave this is a wonderful entry and a very worthy cause so 10 bonus points for being a nice guy.  I love the mammoths and think you've done a marvelous job with the army.  A most worthy first entry.  Plus I get to enter numbers in the rarely used 10mm columns of the "Spreadsheet of Doom" - wooo-hoooo!

Well Done!


  1. A great looking horde, Dave :)

  2. Great stuff, my lizards are so eating them, even watching jurassic park

  3. Great looking horde Dave and for a worthy cause too. Love the Mammoths

  4. Great looking teeny tiny chaps,love the hairy elephants, sorry mammoths!
    Best Iain

  5. While maybe a bit outside your comfort zone you've done a smashing job here Dave! Really like those Mammoths.

  6. A great opening salvo Dave and a fantastic cause - good on you mate.
    Though I do suspect those Mammoths are in fact Dromedaries in Halloween costumes...

  7. Thanks Dave - a veritable horde. As ever, the effort is appreciated.

  8. A fantastic looking horde of unwashed savages. I love the mammoths.

  9. These are fantastic, bravo sir on the diversion to 'spear chuckers'.

  10. Lovely work, and for a great cause too.

  11. Now that is a hairy horde! The mastodons are very impressive! And they have artillery...or is that how they scale walls? They look impressive Dave! Really nice brush work and kudos on aiding a great charity!

  12. Well done Dave, great entry indeed!

  13. Fantastic entry and for a brilliant cause - good on you Dave!

  14. Greta mammoths! I like uncomplicated horde armies; they allow me to concentrate on rolling 6s rather than 'tactics'.
