Saturday 6 January 2024

From AaronH - A Greek, A ranger, a casualty, a princess and three locations (80 pts)

This entry is a bit of a mixture. I'm shamelessly trying to hit some locations before I move on and painting the minimum entry for each.

First up is  Leonidas. This is a really nice metal model from someone. I can't remember where it came from. My youngest and I were playing some Mortal Gods back during Covid times and he chose the Spartans, buying into their propaganda. This model will check the box for the History desk.

This was an easy model to paint. Very classic metal style.

There's not a lot going on with this model. It's a nice change of pace from GW's latest models with layer after layer of detail.

The classic movie physique didn't really come through on this.

I spent more time on the cloak than the rest of the model combined. It comes off better on the tabletop.

Next up is a GW model. This is Isildur from the Sauron set. I painted his father up years ago to be the dead ranger in Ranger's of Shadowdeep. This model will also be an objective.

His face doesn't look like Isildur from the movie.

This was a quick paint. There's not a lot going on here.

Speaking of Rangers of Shadowdeep. The next model is the Northstar model they released with the game. There are some really characterful rangers in this line, with this one being my favorite, except perhaps for the female ranger with the pipe. This gets me the Fantasy desk.

Another simple metal model with loads of character.

This is the artwork he's based on.

I'm so fond of this model I'll be using him in a Pathfinder campaign we're about to start.

The last model is Princess Leia for Star Wars Legion. This is a very homely model. She'll be re-released in hard plastic later this year and she's badly in need of the update. She'll be transporting me on Sarah's Library Cart (20 pts) to the Sci-Fi section for my next entry.

Soft detail and a really awkward arm holding a pistol.

She's a solid support character in the game. With the release of the Ewoks she's seeing something of a renaissance.

That pistol arm just goes on for miles.

In summary:
1x Leonidas @5 pts = 5 pts
1 x Isildur @3 pts (half model) = 3 pts
1 x Ranger of Shadowdeep @5 pts = 5 pts
1 x Princess Leia @5 7pts = 5 7pts
(This is math for Marines right here. I dig it)

History Bonus = 20 pts
Fantasy Bonus = 20 pts
Sarah's Library Cart Bonus = 20 pts

Total 78 80pts
(That math was a bit tougher, had to break out calculator).

Nice work here on Leonidas, Isildur, the Ranger and the Princess (that could be a movie title on its own eh?). The bases in particular are great. I too bought into Rangers of Shadowdeep with the intention of running a game (I even bought a pack of dogs and giant flies!!!) but unfortunately haven't gotten to it yet - maybe this is the year? In any case, some nice painting here and 78 80 points added to your tally.

ps SW Legion infantry are apparently worth 7 points each, not 5, so updated accordingly. D.


  1. Good work Aaron. Really enjoy the Ranger.

  2. Lovely work. There is something satisfying about painting a red cloak isn't there? I wouldn't like to count the the number of red cloaks I have painted over the years.

  3. Nice figures Aaron, pretty much what is says on the tin.

  4. Lovely group of figures, well done 👏

  5. Very nice. Lots of great ranger figures in that set.

  6. very very nice Aaron another awesome entry

  7. Very cool collection of models- hard to choose a favourite!

  8. Cool collection of nice models, love the Ranger
