Tuesday 30 January 2024

From IanS: 6mm French Napoleonic Division (275 points)


This post was delayed from last week as I had an incident with a cat who broke one of the battalions. Although some figures were broken I was eventually able to piece them together. Just in case I painted up another battalion but am saving this for another Division later in the Challenge. So here we are again and another French Napoleonic Division, this time its the 6th Division belonging to the 2nd Corps 1812. As with the last Division this is a two brigade organisation with supporting artillery. Again all figures are from Commission Figurines and are MDF. First up is the Division conmander Legrand, fine fellow.

1st Brigade consists of the 26th Light Infantry and 56th Line Regiments, two battalions of 60 figures each. In addition there are 2 skirmish stands.


2nd Brigade consists of the 19th Line Regiment of 2 Battalions,  the 128th Regiment of just one battalion, and then the brown coated 3rd Portuguese Regiment, again only one battalion. With an attached skirmish stand split 50:50 between the French and Portuguese. The French regiments are in greatcoat as somehow I have mislaid the figures. Come to think of it I still have not found 2 of the Christmas presents I got from my daughter. First Photo is the three French battalions in greatcoat followed by the Portuguese: 

Last Up is the Artillery a battery of 8pdrs

Now here is the Division:

There is another Infantry Division in the 2nd Corps but I have already painted this, so next up is the cavalry element and corps artillery.

Points Being Claimed:
500 6mm Infantry figures at 0.5 pts each - 250pts 
24 6mm Artillery figures at 0.5 pts each - 12pts 
6 6mm Guns at 1pts each - 6pts  
7 6mm mounted figures at 1pt each - 7pts 
Total Pts - 275pts

More 6mm Napoleonic goodies, yes! As before, these look so good in their masses, Ian. I really love it that you went for 60 man battalions, very impressive. Also, I like the Portuguese, so seldom encountered outside of the Peninsular theatre. I am looking forward to the cavalry! 275 points added to your total.


  1. They will look great displayed on a table, no doubt

  2. Those crowded bases look great, and well done painting in such a small scale.

  3. They look great. I’m really taken with these MDF figures. Glad to hear that I not the only one to misplace planned units.

  4. Some lovely detail here for 6mm. Great work.

  5. Cat attack aside, these are fabulous. I really like the addition of the Portuguese contingent. Also love the big, beefy sized units. Well done!

  6. Excellent looking units,they look splendid, in spite of their feline attention!
    Best Iain

  7. that's a great way to represent a battalion - the large number of figures per unit really does give it that special effect

  8. Sacrebleu! An incredible number of great looking minis!

  9. Very well done. The units are excellent for depicting battalions.

  10. Lovely work! You're really selling MDF.

    1. Walter at commission figures has done all the hard work would never had thought about mdf as a figure medium. Mdf just soaks up the paint so they dry very quickly. a battalion takes under an hour of brush work and I do battalions at a time.

  11. what a great set of figures, the blue really pops on the French, and there's a heap of them.

  12. That looks mighty impressive!
