Sunday 7 January 2024

From PeteF: Kickstarter Fantasy Terrain - New Acquisitions (40 points)


I'm adding to my list of things learned on The Painting Challenge: Do not try to prime stuff with a rattle can when it's cold. 

Woefully underprepared for this year's challenge and in a post Christmas food & booze haze I thought it would be a good idea to at long last get started.  The Front Desk & New Acquisitions section presented, nay demanded, that I begin to chip away at an oversized kickstarter package that arrived earlier this year.

This fantasy terrain is from Mantic and part of their Terrain Crate line.  The kickstarter was for a generous amount of terrain and I rather regret doubling down on the fantasy terrain as they were also offering some nice looking sci-fi stuff.

I decided to go with magnets so that the terrain pieces will fit in a smaller container and can be mixed and matched into various odd looking constructions.

Since Osprey hasn't yet published an official fantasy terrain colour scheme, the next challenge after messing up the priming, was deciding which paints to use.  I decided to go all in on red tones for the plate corally thing and go for purple plus complementary colours for the bulbous planty object (with teeth).  But first I had to paint black brush on primer over the failed rattle can white.

This was "planned" to be a quick paint job with speedpaints/contrasts but the priming hiccup meant a more traditional layering approach. 

I can use this stuff for both fantasy and sci fi tables - especially once the whole crate is done - there are many many more of these strange looking animals and plants (or fungi?).

It was fun to get back into the swing of painting as work and life in general have got in the way of reducing the height of the Pile of Potential (Ed: didn't you mean Shelf of Shame?).


This looks like about 1 terrain cube's worth so:

1 terrain cube: 20 points

New Acquisitions Bonus: 20 points

Total: 40 points

Always wince when I hear spray can mishaps due to cold.. almost like PTSD for myself there! But you salvaged the prime aspect wonderfully as the finished pieces look amazing! The teeth terrain especially with all the yellow fangs ready to strike that squad that ventured off the wrong way! Also great to see them magnetized as that will open up so many options for you. Great job!

As for terrain cube.. sure.. sounds about right to me there.



  1. Awesome looking freaky flora, Pete. Great idea to magnetize the lot to allow variability in setup. Smart!

  2. Very nice, I was sorely tempted by the Kickstarter and I’m slightly regretting not diving in.

  3. These are great looking. I almost backed that kickstarter but pulled out. Now I wish I'd stayed in.

  4. I had a big laugh with your comment about the Osprey XD It looks like a gret paint job to me... very... extraterrestrial?

  5. love the crazy plant life, I'm sure it will add to the look of the games your playing, magnetizing the basis is a great idea

  6. These are weird and wonderful. Great work.

  7. Fantastic terrain in many ways, nice vibrant colours. Who needs an official paint scheme for fantasy terrain? I used my spray bomb this morning with no issue. Ran outside into the -10 air, gave my figs a spray and brought them back inside toot sweet.

  8. Great colour choices! I like the teeth on the fern-things.

  9. Graet looking terrain pieces Peter, the colour combinations work really well

  10. Awesome flora Peter. The colors are great and out of this world.

  11. Nice colours and clever use of magnets, Peter.

  12. Anyone who can spare precious time to paint terrain has my respect! Well done.

  13. Brilliant idea to use magnets. Wonderful alien paint scheme as well.

  14. These look lovely Pete.
    As we are now apartment living again, my current lesson learned this Challenge is to spray prime on the balcony, leave outside for only five minutes, transfer to the bathroom and leave the ventilation fan on.

  15. those vibrant colours are simply awesome!

  16. Super, these wouldn't go amiss on a Doctor Who set !

  17. Great looking terrain Pete! I like the magnet idea.

  18. Very weird Peter!¬ They look fab thoiugh.

  19. These are wonderfully bizarre and bizarrely wonderful...

  20. Pete, these look absolutely fabulous (English humor for my English friend) I hope we get to see these at club events. You can always come and grab my spray booth and airbrush, maybe you jcan teach me how to use it! LOL. What I like about these is the way you put the color on them. The color scheme is briliant.
