Sunday 18 February 2024

From Rhunt - Elves and fantasy figures (65 pts)

This week I painted more elves. And some more fantasy Bones. These are Oathmark elves and I like them a lot better than the GW ones.

These are Oathmark from Northstar. I bought them and put them together all by myself.

My Dad had these red tufts and I loved them.

This box comes with 30 models in it. It is the Elf Light Infantry. It doesn't come with spears but Dad had extras and let me have them. I did ask him to help me clean the mold lines off, since that is really hard (and boring).

I am building these as 10 archers, 10 sword and board and 10 spear and shield. I had a couple of left over shields for the GW elves so I used two here.

These were way more fun to paint. They are simple with just enough detail to make them interesting.

The next three are Bones fantasy models that Dad gave me.

These are the first generation soft bendy plastic that hate primer.

I did these in the winter theme again.

All together this is 13 x 28mm models x 5 pts = 65 pts.

By Paul the Stand-In Minion: 

What a cracking job you've done with these Rhys! I like the Oathmark plastic figures too, and your mixing and matching have been very effective. The basing looks really good too - love the red tufts.
65 well earned points :-)


  1. Lovely work. Great idea to do some kitbashing too. I wish I had a lucky to do my mouldline removal work! ;-)

  2. Great work and nice colour choices

  3. They look like a coherent unit.

  4. Excellent work and production. Well done.

  5. I really like the bright colours you chose Rhys. They looks like a hard hitting unit.

  6. Splendid work on your elves, the shields came out particularly well!
    Best Iain
