Wednesday 20 March 2024

From FrederickC - AHPC XIV Rounds Complete

Spring has arrived (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), and with it comes the conclusion of another Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. Before I list what I painted, I want to thank Curt and his band of minions, especially Sylvain, curator of Monday's Musée des Fossiles. His solicitous emails were very helpful in making sure I kept calm and focused when the deadlines loomed, and I appreciated the comments he left on my submissions.

I would also like to thank all those who left comments on my posts. They were very instrumental in keeping me motivated. I had planned to leave more comments on everyone's posts this year, but a fractured finger made typing extremely difficult, and then my computer packed it in. (I still need to set up a replacement). I ended up using my wife's laptop, but while Google says I am signed in, Blogger says I am not. I feel a bit like Schrödinger's cat. I can type up posts, but I am not allowed to type in comments. Hopefully I will have better success with the new computer once it gets set up.

The main focus for my painting this year was my various Second World War armies ranging from early war Germans, Poles, and French, to North African campaign Italians and Indians. Along the way I also managed to complete 19 library challenges and 2 trips on the cart. Once again the special challenges have motivated me to dust off some projects that have long languished in a storage box in the basement and get them ready for the tabletop or display. In all I managed to paint 1 x 80mm figure, 4 x 54mm figures, 10 x 40mm figures, 270 x 28mm foot figures, 9 x 28mm mounted figures, 40 x 28mm vehicles, 8 x 28mm artillery pieces, and nearly 3 cubes of terrain. to land in 6th place in the standing. 😁

Terrain Projects

Library challenge minis, and Idols of Torment

Early war Germans, Poles,, and French

North African campaign Italians and Indians

A happy painter with his completed projects

Congratulations to all the participants. Whether you met your goals or not, you all put paint to figures, and that's what it is all about. I am looking forward to seeing you again in December for AHPC XV. Until then, take care, get those projects prepped, and get those completed projects battling it out on the tabletop.




  1. Might not be related but I had the same issue on my pc with leaving comments until I enabled cross site tracking in Firefox privacy settings page.

    1. I had the same issue Challenge or two ago, and that cross site tracking helped. :)

  2. What a great Challenge, Frederick! I liked your projects (notably the Poles) and I liked your trek through the library, especially your local history post. Your output has been impressive again, especially with a broken finger! See you in December!

    1. Thank you, Martijn. I get to take the splint off at the end of the month, and I am definitely looking forward to that.

  3. I can only comment from Chrome.

    1. And now, just like that, the system is accepting my comments, after having done absolutely nothing to change any settings.

  4. Great Challenge, Frederick! Go Team Monday! :)

  5. Great challenge Frederick. It was nice to see someone painting a flat, something I didn't have any experience of until my father-in-law introduced me to them.

    1. Thank you, Peter. It was the first time I tried painting a flat. I doubt I will do any more, but it an interesting project for the Library 'Rare & Antique' category.

  6. Another impressive turnout Frederick

    1. Thank you, Benito. I am especially happy with how my early war French DLM turned out. Now to deploy them on the tabletop.

  7. Impressive production Frederick and another successful Challenge for you! Way to represent us Conscripts!

    1. Thank you, Dallas. Conscripts FTW. Now we have to get those troops some 'battle experience'.

  8. Excellent and productive output!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain. I am very happy with my efforts this year. Thank you for all your kind comments over the course of the challenge.

  9. A great Challenge Frederick, very well done.

    1. Thank you, Ray. It has been a good one for me this year. See you in December.

  10. Terrfic work Frederick. Quality and quantity.

    1. Thank you, Peter. It was another fun challenge. I plan to be back in December.

  11. Impressive work all around here Frederick! Hope the finger heals up well!

    1. Thanks, Kyle. The splint is now off, but the joints are rather stiff due to two month of immobility. May need some physio to get things moving a little better than they are at the moment. See you in December

  12. Congrats on achieving another crushing points total Frederick!
