Saturday 5 February 2022

From TeemuL: Skink Sorcerer [Lune] (25 points)

Here we are on the Inner Ring, moving away from the Xanth towards Terra, but we make a quick stop at Lune, where we finally meet some friendly locals, or a local. He looks very much like the genestealers we have seen before, but he has no interest on eating us, he seems to have some higher goals. He has big, friendly eyes.

May I present you a Sorcerer from Lune, Warhammer Skink Starpriest from Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Arcane Heroes pack. In the past I stupidly assumed, that Silver Tower would be on print "forever" and I can buy it, when I have time for that, but it didn't happen... I did buy this expansion pack, since there were nice Age of Sigmar heroes for a reasonable price, but I have had no use for this Starpriest yet. It has been alone in the box for quite some time, but I decided to pick him up when I was thinking which witch to paint for Lune.

One of my sub-targets for this Challenge is to "finish" things and painting this Starpriest allows me to finish the Arcane Heroes box. I have a habit to keep the unpainted miniatures in the original box until they are painted, just to remind me how much stuff I actually have. And making it easier to see what stuff I actually have. Once the box is empty, I might use it for storing some second hand miniatures or plastic bags or similar, but this box is not very useful for that kind of things, so I take my scissors and cut the front cover and place it in a big box, which is quite full of box front covers. The rest of the box is then put in to the recycle bin, because even though the cardboard has lots of uses, it is easy enough to get and I don't want to store it... :)

I like how I managed to give him nice reptilian eyes

Back to this miniature, eh? He might look similar and he does. I had no idea how to paint him, because I don't have a lizardmen army (nor Seraphon), so I had all the possibilities to paint him however I want. He is pale blue in box cover, which I though might be a good practice using thinned down Contrasts, but then I decided to paint him like the genestealers I have. They have lots of similar parts, spikes, scales, nails, tail, eyes etc so I just copied the colours more or less creatively. The only problem was the staff, genestealers have empty hands. The blue felt a bit magical, so I selected it. I painted the stones in similar colours, implying that the staff is carved from the same stone. I also helped me to keep the colour count low. The base had some sculpted details (like skulls), so I went with it, but I'm not 100% happy with it. I tried first to drybrush with grey and green to get a mossy stone effect, but that didn't look right. I then used more colour, and it is better. Still looks like a mess... But the actual base is rather small (besides the stone slabs), so I just let it be.

This eye is better than the other...

There are some skulls here (not a big surprise for a GW model, I guess), 1 at the end of staff and 5 half buried under the stone slabs, so 6 in total! We are happy to meet a friendly (or non-hostile) lizardman, but he is not what we were looking for, so we continue our quest/trek/crusade to mystical Terra - see you next week!

A single 28mm miniature for 5 points and 20 points for planet Lune, total 25 points.

From Millsy:

I love this guy Teemu! He's a riot of colour and beautifully photographed to show off your efforts very well indeed. What paint did you use to get that lovely muted red colour? It goes really well with the yellow and the bright, bright blue. Wonderful stuff!



  1. It's great to see such a vibrant paint job, nice work.

    1. Thanks Peter! It takes a bit of courage to try strange color combinations, but when the mini doesn't belong to any force, it is easier to try.

  2. Excellent finish,he works really well!
    Best Iain

  3. Lovely. The eyes do look great.

    1. He has big eyes, so it was rather easy... Kind of.

  4. Well done Teemu, the colour scheme works great!

  5. I agree that the colours heme is truly inspired, the yellow and green complement each other and the other colours are great as spot colours.

    1. Yeah, there is kind of three primal colors (red, blue and yellow) as spot colors and then black and dark green as a background. Some color theory expert might say something. :)

  6. Great work Teemu. I love the Starpriest - and I also really enjoyed your process around the boxes...might be something I copy...

  7. Great work Teemu! Strikingly bright colours as they befit such a figure

    1. Thank you! He is not some wizard lurking in shadows.

  8. That's a very colourful figure. Damn fine work!

  9. He looks cool! Thanks for the skullz!

  10. The colours all work so well together!

  11. Amazing looking Skink, the colours all add to the mystical look of the figure.

  12. Millsy, thank you very much! The red is the Polyp Purple or whatever from Contrast range.
