Tuesday, 24 December 2024

From GregB - Loyalist Armour for "Legions Imperialis" (8 points)

A squadron of Imperial Fist Sicaran tanks for GW's "Legions Imperialis" game.

A little palette cleanser of an entry here on Christmas Eve - a unit of Sicaran Tanks for GW's rebooted Epic 30k game "Legions Imperialis". These are multi-part plastic kits from GW, and they are painted in the colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the tiresome (if stoic) Imperial Fists.

Heavy plasma-type cannons in the turret and lascannons on the sponsons - this configuration is ideal for engaging armoured targets, like other vehicles or some of the scary walkers.

GW botched the rollout of this new game quite comically in 2023. While some of the issues relating to supply of models have alleviated since the game launched, you can still sense the impact of the failed release for the game in a lack of enthusiasm among the local 30k community. It would not be accurate to say nobody is playing it, but interest is quite limited and I frequently encounter hobbyists who had been keen to try it, but gave up when they could not obtain it, or subsequently gave up on it due to lack of models. I still haven't found an opponent to give the game a try - even those who have small collections have them put away, or are more focused on the main 30k game etc. 

Yellow armour for hope! You can see some of the different decal options used on the vehicles.

As an old-time fan of the original "Epic" game from GW, I am still working on a collection myself - after all, I find the models remarkable in their quality, if somewhat tricky to assemble owing to their size. But given that there is no game or event pressing me to get moving, my pace of painting these figures has been very, shall we say, "stately" (i.e. laughably slow). 

Autocannons in the turret, and heavy boaters on the sponson - this configuration is primed to take out light vehicles and flyers.

All the same, this slow pace allows for time to enjoy the models. And to swear constantly at the yellow paint! The Imperial Fist colours look striking when you are finished, but wow...what a pain! Even on little tanks like these!

There are scads of different tanks for GW's Horus Heresy setting. The Sicaran tanks fit somewhere in the middle in terms of size and impact. They are pretty fast, have slighter armour, and can pick different weapons load outs to emphasize anti-personnel, anti-tank or a mix of both. One model has a vehicle commander popped out of the hatch, so it can serve as a command tank should such a thing be needed in the game.

Four little tanks equals 8 points - not a whole lot, but like I said...a nice little palette cleanser.


Lovely work Greg! Your brushwork is so clean and precise. Also the yellow you've chosen (as painful as its been to work with) really makes them pop on the tabletop.  I too have been really disappointed with GW's 'own goal' approach to design, marketing and rollout of this game. This is something you could say is typical of them, but it's not the case as their more boutique 'epic-scaled' game 'Adeptus Titanicus' was/is actually very good and was for the most part well-supported. That being said the minis for Imperialis are it's strong suite with the models being amazing in their intricacy, especially the vehicles (as we can clearly see here). Hopefully if you get enough models painted for both sides you can entice a local gamer to try out the rules with you. 'Stately progress' is still progress!

Again, great work Greg!

- Curt


  1. Lovely work - yellow may be a pain in the proverbial to get down, but you wouldn't think it looking at these lovelies! I sooo wanted to like LI but the complete car crash of a release had me rushing headlong into the embrace of 3d printing in 15mm. Seeing these though is making me reflect on my life choices!

    1. Cheers Peter! The release of the game was indeed a complete farce, and the rules...well, they are not great. But the figures are lovely, and their are excellent alternative rules online, such as the 30k version of the outstanding "Epic: Armageddon" rules.

      As for 15mm...well, stay tuned, never know what you might see during this edition of the Challenge :)

  2. Beautiful tanks, Greg! Excellent yellow. I just read from WSS, that pink base coat makes it easier to paint yellow - haven't tried yet...

    1. Cheers Teemu! Pink as a base for yellow? Sounds like an urban legend to me...but I'll believe anything, as painting pink is quite terrible.

  3. You’re on a roll Greg! That’s a dazzling yellow and you nailed it.

  4. Great work Greg. The yellow pops and you work tempts me to LI. Keep up the roll.

  5. It wouldn't be a proper Challenge without some 30K from you mate. Very cool indeed.

  6. Its good to see your work again Greg, its always so clean and well presented

  7. They look waaaay better than the ones on the GW box Greg! Yellow may be a pain but those turned out great! Very nice bunch off Sicarians. Teemu is correct on the pink being a decent base for yellow in thin coats it makes it vibrant and covers well. I have also found that the fanatic army painter demonic yellow covers very well too...almost too well! It is the same theory in black and white timing where red light makes the subject seem shiny and blue light makes the subject seem dirty. ;)

    1. Timing-filming...for reference look at the classic Jekyll and Hyde film the doctor was filmed with a red shining on him while Mr Hyde was illuminated in a blue light.

  8. Oooh, yellow. I sympathize - I've abandoned several projects because the yellow just was not working.

    I'm glad you persevered, because they do look great in that yellow livery.

  9. The yellow looks bright and fantastic Greg. Fab work!

  10. You did a great work, yellow is not an easy color

  11. More of my favourite GW tank! awesome paint job as usual Greg, they look stunning!

    1. Thanks Byron! The Sicaran does have a nice look to it...

  12. Cracking work, that yellow is fabulous

  13. Loving these, that yellow really pops!

  14. They look great, well done making the color Yellow do your bidding!

  15. Great work, it's hard to get yellow right, these look great

  16. These look nice and vibrant, well done Greg!

  17. At first glance I thought you had painted up 4 real scale Sicarans, but this is awesome too! Great yellows indeed Greg

  18. Very nifty tanks, and the yellow suits them!

  19. Wonderful brushwork!
    I'm just curious but what yellow paint did you use? I always use the acrylic Revell.
