Tuesday, 24 December 2024

From PeteB - Hagen-Miniatures Wild West Townsman - 28 mm - Limbo - 25 Points

This figure is a 28mm figure from Hagen-Miniatures which I started long time ago but never finished. And now I did. They have some more of this Wild West townsfolks but I’m not sure if I will get to them this challenge.

Painting this figure was fun, and for the first time I painted eyes on such small figure. Normally I only do this on my bigger 54 mm figures but this time I couldn't resist trying it on this one. And I like the result. He is part of a small project where I'm working on.

I wish you all and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


1 x 28 mm foot figure        = 05 points

Limbo entry                        = 20 points

Total                                    = 25 points


Hey Peter. I can see that it's a figure, and probably very well painted, but the lighting is so off that one cannot really discern much of the details. Similar to my advice to Gavin, I suggest you not photograph your work against a white background as the camera will often underexpose the figure. Try using a darker background and good frontal lighting and the contrast balance should correct itself.  

- Curt


  1. Welcome Peter. Like Curt, your lighting is too dim for my eyes.

    1. Thanks Peter! I added two new pictures with a different background.

  2. Nice mini, Peter! Second entry already, you are on the roll!

  3. Fun Xmas post. Welcome Peter.

  4. Nice post Peter and festive greetings to you as well

  5. There's a lot of character in this figure.

  6. Replies
    1. Added two new pictures with a different background Curt!

  7. He does look menacing, and welcome to Team Painted Eyes :-)

  8. Neat character, Gavin. With a buff coat he would make a convincing Pinkerton. The green coat is very lovely though and he is fine addition to the vilage!

  9. Another great figure Peter. Keep up the great work!

  10. Welkom Peter, great little figure indeed!
