Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Merry Christmas Challengers! David B (25 points)

Greetings all! I hope everyone is having a grand time this holiday season. I am presenting a very humble chimera chassis from 40k as an open vehicle for Necromunda or for 40k games. I bought it used and primed at Adepticon last spring and added an Autocannon, flame thrower and plates to give it the appearance of a ramshackle salamander. I added some stowage and bits as I have been watching Rogue Heroes on SAS inception in Africa 1941.( great show and makes me remember how miserable the desert is) I dusted it in copious amounts of weathering powders to give it a hard worn look of rust and possible fire damage as well as environmental weathering from the necromunda ash waste. 

It was already in rough shape when I acquired it, so I leaned in to the lopsided tracks and only covered the most egregious glue seams.

You might need a tetanus shot if in the rear bay!

This was a fun, quick project. I got to use the army painter metallics and metallic speed paints....then cover up the bad experiments with the weathering!....and my wooden stool, it adds to the texture!

I am certain that these are lego knockoffs, but this is the intro of the fastest turn around of any miniature in my collection. Two Primaris lego Marines and a marine bike were given by my children today. A White Scar on bike and another which had plain grey armor and weapons.


a very festive shot in the christmas lights.

I have a lot of fanatic paints from my birthday and had to paint him as an Iron Snake. Cool and warm flesh, black and grey, ruddy browns,red, yellow, and blue triads...or mega triads as army painter has them in six shades for each chroma.

a bolt pistol, plasma pistol, a bolt rifle, bolt carbine, plasma gun, and a chainsword... I could have painted him and equipped him in most any chapter colors.

Instead I chose to freehand a snake in the vibrant blue fanatic paints

I do not have the complete line of fanatic army painter paints, but did give them a good initial workout on this and the miniatures this marine jumped in the painting queue. As an Iron Snake, I used most of the metallic fanatic paints too and they are possibly the smoothest metallic paints I have ever used. 

Quite a lot of little bits to the kit, I do not regret the time spent on them all. He will join the biker in overseeing work on the hobby desk.

I am very glad I had the time to play the past few days with the new paint. Some Swooping Hawks are almost complete along with a warcry band that were selected because of the hues that my family purchased. I would have completed them, but this little marine was just too cool not to paint up.

one Tank of dubious nature - 20 points
a not-lego space marine of the Iron Snakes....not a wargame mini so I will only claim the skulls on him which number two. One on his chest and the other on the pommel of his sword.
the tank has 5 skulls so a grand total of 7 skulls for the skull skull duel


Welcome back to the Challenge Dave! I really like your repurposed Chimera. While rather humble on a 40K battlefield it would be quite a formidable support platform to a Necromunda gang. I love the absolutely filthy, ill-repaired and rusted look of it.

The Lego Space Marine is very cool as well (cripes, they do EVERYTHING don't they?!). I really like your repaint to conform to your Iron Snake Chapter. I also appreciate the thumbs up on the Army Painter Fanatic range. I've just sent a sample order to my FLGS. Cheers!

It would be churlish not to award points for the Lego Marine Christmas gift, so let's say 5 points for him. Added to your Chimera makes a nice 25. Great work Dave and Happy Christmas!

- Curt


  1. Nice entry Dave, I like the Lego man

    1. Thanks! The new miini definitely jumped the line as the flat grey plastic definitely needed an improvement!

  2. Nice weathering- I recently finished Brothers of the Snake; I do like them as a chapter.

    1. I really liked their unique back story too JB!

    2. One of my favorite reads and my Iron Snakes were definitely influenced by Dan Abbnets short stories.

  3. Brilliant work on the vehicle!

  4. Great looking battered armour David!

    1. Thanks,Millsy! I think it has achieved relic status! ;)

  5. That Chimera probably requires a DTaP booster just from looking at it! It's hard to tell that the ramshackle nature of it was not intentional, and it could also double as a burned out wreck on a regular 40K battlefield, or even have a place with some Orks.

    Got to love the repurposed not-LEGO Space Marine. Great work there.

    1. Thanks, Robert! I wanted it to be usable by any gang, but I'm starting to feel like it looks like a Cawdor whip...with all the rust and black smoke it will produce ! ;)

  6. Nice work Dave Love the weathering effect, it does look like it's been through the wars!

    1. Thanks, Ray! As an old seasoned vet, I can feel the clanking treads, knocking engine, and questionable support structure from years of service...hmmmm....should have added some salt stains!

  7. Great work on that Chimera - it looks like it is almost as dangerous to its crew as any opponents...probably!

    1. Thank you, Peter! It is definitely a hazard. I will probably give it a house rule for engine breakdowns! ;)

  8. I always look forward to seeing what crawls out from under your rock David. Love the rust bucket and the Lego figure.

    1. Thanks, Pete! That tank definitely crawled out of the pile with a belch of diesel smoke! ;)

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! It may see service with my traitor guard forces too...maintenance is a bit sketchy on the old bucket!

  10. Great work on the battlefield retrofit salamander. I have a few rather damaged old 40K tanks I should do the same to as well. Love the Lego Marine too.

    1. Thanks Tom! The Lego marine was a lot of fun to paint. The tank is intended for multiple armies and uses...and it may serve as terrain too.

  11. Nice retrofit of the Salamander are they still around in the rules?


    1. Thanks! The salamander is now legendary and not available for a decent point cost. I still have the old rules for them. This will mainly be in homebrew forces and also see lots of service in the ash wastes.

  12. Nice rust bucket Dave -its seen hard service for sure! I too think it would be a great junker in a Necromunda setting :-)

    1. Thanks, Paul! It will serve in my renegade guard force too. It will see service in inquisimuda and necromundia most.

  13. Great work on the Chimera, really like the weathering. And well done on the Lego marine, I think that is the first time I have seen a Lego figure repainted too.

    1. Thanks, Steve! The not Lego figure was intended to be an artist proof my kids said. With the marine figure fully painted from the factory, the plain grey plastic on the weapons and armor really begged for pigment!

  14. Wow the rust effect is so good love what you've done here

    1. Thanks! I had a lot of fun experimenting with the new paint and even more fun breaking out the weathering powders. Both Lego and tank were a lot of fun to do!

  15. Excellent weathering on the chimera Dave. Looks sufficiently front line. Any ride is a good ride, bucket of bolts or not. Cheers

    1. Thanks, Bruce! And yes I have caught a ride in several rusted buckets! Anything beats rucking! ;)

  16. You hit the nail on the head with that dilapidated look. Fits right in with Necromunda

    1. Thanks! I have piles of terrain junk piles to paint..I am thinking now to heavily rust them for the salamander to have a nich hidding spot! ;)

  17. Your wooden stool has very nice Ash Wastes feel on it, but it might be a bit small for larger games. Something in 6mm perhaps? :)

    And nice job on these minis!

    1. Thanks, Teemu! My poor harderving wooden stool is as much a veteran as the tank! It has suffered greatly for the hobby!

  18. Lego Space marines, could be a gateway to another collection addiction!
    The rusted Necromunda vehicle you created will look great on the game table.

    1. Thanks, Steve! And yes I have discovered a lot of the not Lego figures available with even chaos marines lurking. I may have to find another few plain grey ones and paint up other chapters just for the rule of cool! :)

  19. And thank you, Curt! The tank was a lot of fun to mess around with and distress with paint and pigments. It also gave me ideas for painting some terrain bits too!
    The Marine was easily one of my favorite gifts and surprisingly looks pretty cute for the grimdark...I need more of them!

  20. Never seen an open chimera before. Great job

  21. At first I thought you'd painted a Salamander scout vehicle but this is even better. I must say that it's giving me a distinct Vraks renegade feel rather then Necromunda.

  22. I like them both! Great work!
