Tuesday, 11 February 2025

ByronM - Warhammer 40k Armigers [160 points]

Over the last few weeks I have been working on 3D printing and painting most of the rest of my Warhammer 40k Imperial Knights army.  The army will be made up of 11 Armigers and 1 Knight, and with this post I only have the Knight to print and paint, so almost done!

First up are 2 heavy Armiger Moirax's armed with graviton pulsars and volkite veuglaires.  These are some heavy hitting close up weapons.  These armigers are expensive point wise though so I am only taking 2 of them.

Next up is the main part of the force, a group of 6 Armiger Warglaives with thermal spear and chain cleaver.  With 6 of these running around the battle field they should be able to close in and deal with whatever needs to be dealt with, or at least that is my hope.

The paint job on these is fairly basic with the models being base coated black, then dry brushed metal and washed to add a grimy look to them.  I did the metal first as it was the messiest part of the paint job and hard to control if it went over onto other areas.  I then seran wrapped the metal areas and air brushed the blue.  

The bases are 100mm rounds and I coated them with sand and then some 3d printed resin ruins,

There are a total of 8 of these models which should count as 28mm vehicles so 8x 20points = 160 points.


Well thats quite the wall of walking death Bryon! Cant wait to see them when Big Brother joins them

Really loving the verdigris look you are using to give them a battleworn look. Very gritty and grimdark!

- Paul


  1. That is a great turquoise colour you've achieved - might be my favourite colour

    1. Thanks Richard, as I said in my first post with some others of these done, I fell in love with the paint colours and bought them without even knowing what I would use them for, they were just very different

  2. Great work Byron, love the turquoise

  3. Excellent brush work and printing Byron. The color is exceptional.

    1. Thanks Bruce, I am very happy with how the colour came out! It 100% needed an airbrush though, I tried and tried by hand and the colours just would not blend at all.... Airbrushed it onto each model in maybe 10 minutes and was done....

  4. Great work on these guys Byron - and that blue/teal is really sharp.

    And of course the assortment of goofy weapons is just glorious.

    1. Thanks Greg, the colour reminded me of some of the teal kinda colour you use on some of your 30k stuff.... a little different but close I think.

  5. Excellent work Byron! I also like the saran wrap idea for masking. Good one.

    1. Thanks Curt, not an original idea, I see Angel do it all the time in his painting guides for Infinity, and I am sure lots of others do the same thing. It works well though and is dirt cheap :-)
