Saturday, 1 February 2025

From BrianC: Puppies with attitude and One BIG BADDIE (70 points)

 Hello. Ok, not much again. I have some puppies with attitude and a Black Rose miniature for the First Circle: Limbo. Let's boogie!

Mantic Games Maw Pups

Next, this BIG BOY! This is a 54mm miniature from the Black Rose game by CMON. I believe it has been a year since I shelved it. I was intimidated by all the details of the mini. Anyway, I'm happy to get this done and now try to figure out what miniature agnostic game to use it for. My First Circle: Limbo entry.

I'm hoping to have the rest of the Dante's Circle entries done for the next turn-in.

8 x 28mm = 40pts

1 x 54mm = 10pts

First Circle: Limbo entry = 20pts
Total = 70pts

Sylvain: The puppies are... cute? They are certainly well painted but I would be wearing kevlar shin guards if I had to take them on a walk. Your Minotaur looks strong and the details on the armor are lovely. I like the addition of roses on the base, it suggests a potential "Beauty and the Beast" back story. Excellent production!



  1. Nice doggy?Good work on completing that beast.

  2. I like the before and after shots of that behemoth. I agree with Sylvain, the roses on the base are an excellent touch.

  3. real dogs of war I reckon, nice job

  4. Who let the dogs out! Great work on the big beastie.

  5. Great stuff. I llke the before and after pics on the big guy

  6. Always good to finish a daunting project, great work!
