Tuesday, 11 February 2025

TomL: More CSA, PF Gal and Violence for 205 points

Flying through the abyss we reach what will be our last stop - the Seventh Circle.  Bringing us to Violence is the final Pulp Figures miniature from the Gangland Gals set:

I thought these Crooked Dice figures would be the perfect choice for violence, or as Alex would say after a milk+ drink, “the old ultra-violence”.


Moving carefully away from Alex and 'friends', I present more Warlord Epic Confederates. This week I finished 4 stands of CSA (and touched up my two test stands to match) which completed two CSA Regiments:  The 8th FL & the 57th VI. The newly painted boys:

 This completes my CSA regiments in this planned paint scheme.  So it's time for a group shot:

I will return in a week or two to painting the Union side after I contemplate my path through Paradise.
Points total: 205
Violence - 20 points
5 28 MM figures @ 5 = 25 points
80 15mm figures at 2 = 160 points
Thats a cracking group of Rebs there Tom! Really starting to come together as a force to be reckoned with
But the Clockwork Orange boys really take the cake:

“When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.”
― Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange

- Paul


  1. Fab work Tom, I like the Clockwork figures.

  2. Wonderful stuff. I really like those Droogs.

  3. Thanks all. Crooked dice have some fun figures.

  4. Clockwork figures are ace and the Johnny Rebs look great. Well done.

  5. Wow, clockwork figures! Very cool to see! But I have to say you continue to really make those "Epic" ACW figures shine. They look awesome!

  6. Love the Clockwork Orange minis and you continue to hit it out of the park with your ACW project.

  7. Lovable minis all, very different, but great. Thanks for the group shot, too.
