Tuesday, 11 March 2025

From GregB - Braganza's Besiegers (65 points)

Braganza's Besiegers, ready to hold the line!

Another Painting Challenge is nearly complete...at this stage one looks around at the rather large pile of "oh, I'll do that during the Challenge!" stuff, realizes that simply will not happen, and instead (a little desperately) tries to focus on at least one or two items to get them done...with that in mind, may I present another Regiment of Renown for my Dogs of War project...here we have Braganza's Besiegers! These are lovely (and hefty!) 28mm metal castings from GW. 

Luka Braganza shouting instructions to his company.

Hailing from the fair city of Miragliano, Luka Braganza and his company are a widely feared bunch, seen at famous sieges in Tilea and other places around the Old World - and always on the winning side! Clad in heavy armour, bearing swords and crossbows and protected by large pavisse-type shields, the Besiegers can hold just about any position, come what may...

Pavisse providing plenty of protection...

A view of some of the Besiegers.

These old Dogs of War miniatures really are great fun to paint - I know I've already said that, but it bears repeating one more time! The sculpts have lovely detail, stunning character and crisp lines that only proper metal figures can have! I'll be the first to concede that these fellow did not fit all that well on to their 20mm square bases - and you can see in the photo that keeping the ranks tight is not really workable due to all the kit. But I just love this group of figures and I'm really pleased with how they turned out. 

Musician close up. Even he is heavily armoured!

Captain Luka Braganza. Love the pistol strapped to his chest!

Bannerman is ready to hold the line as well.

The Dogs of War were just so unique - the Besiegers were no exception. This combination of weapons and armour is just not very common on Warhammer gaming tables, and opponents struggled to deal with Braganza and his lads. Often your missile troops are lightly armoured and equipped, with little expectation they would last in a melee...

The ranks don't quite fit close together...but it still works out nicely.

But that is not the case with Braganza's Besiegers! When charged they could unleash a volley of crossbow fire - as any missile unit might. But thanks to their heavy armour and pavisses, they are really difficult to bring down. As such you had the flexibility of placing this missile unit in the part of your battle line where you might expect the heaviest contact to take place, knowing they will give your opponent some heartburn as they struggle with the riddle of heavy missile troops.

"Take careful aim..."

Scoring wise we have 12 figures here, all 28mm sized, so that should work out to 60 points. 

That is all for this post - although I hope not all for this edition of the Challenge. Hope to be back with at least one more post before the dust settles...thanks for reading!


Another great old-school regiment! Wethere or not this is your last entry, its certainly been a treat to see all those Regiments of Renown get the love and attention they deserve Greg!

These guys look like a tough line to crack - It would be fun to launch my Beastman Minobus at them and see what happens! Great job and take some bonus points for the flags and details

- Paul


  1. Love these boys. That armour colour is a triumph

  2. Another wonderful DOW unit. I second the armor comment. What colors did you use?

    1. Thanks Tom! For the armour, we start with a black base coat, then a thin craft paint brown ("Burnt Umber"). GW's "Balthazar Gold" is then applied as the main metal base coat. It is washed with GW "Agrax Earthshade". Edging and other highlights are then applied with GW "Sycorax Bronze".

      Matte varnish is critical to finish the figure, as GW's "Agrax Earthshade" now leaves a super glossy AF finish behind after it dries.

  3. These look superb dude! Wouldn't want to face 'em on the table though, a tough nut to crack!

    1. Cheers Dallas! I'm sure the Skaven would at least have fun trying to climb all over them...

  4. Superb dogs of war unit, they were always my favourite GW range which is why I ended up doing renaissance historical I guess, lovely finish and great flags!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain - the Dogs of War are such classic figures, a lot of fun and great memories indeed!

  5. It's amazing how well those 30 year old sculpts stand up - great stuff.

  6. Wonderful work, Greg! Really like your take on their armour.

  7. Super painting Greg. Lovin the sheilds.

  8. Absolutely beautiful brushwork dude. They really are tremendous all ranked up. Well done!

  9. That really is lovely Greg, The bronze armour really works well and makes them a stand out unit

  10. They've come out really well, and sound strong on the tabletop!
