Friday, 21 March 2025

GavinB: Wrapping Up the AHPC 15

And with that, the challenge is over... its been really fun to post my work up here for others to see, and to view the wonderful paintings of the other wonderful participants! I want to again thank Greg, the minion for Wednesday, and, Greg, if someone like myself can paint Wars of the Roses liveries onto some infantry figures, so can you! So don't be afraid, buy yourself some of those wonderful perry sculpts and get painting!! Also thanks to Curt and Sarah for letting me into this supportive community you've built! I really grew as a wargamer during this challenge, before I had only been working on wars of the roses. But now, at the end of the challenge I have three different projects that I'm working on simultaneously, Turnip28, WoTR, and The Walking Dead All Out War.

My top two favorite miniatures I painted this year

This has been a really great first challenge and I cant wait to come back next year and see all of your wonderful paint jobs!! 
Happy Painting, and have a splendid summer!


  1. You're part of the future of wargaming Gavin, when all of us have to give up painting coz we can't see the figures anymore, you'll be leading the charge. Well done on all you got painted and I shall look forward to see what you get upto in the next Challenge! Start prepping now!

  2. That's a nice collection Gavin, looking forward to see you again in the next Challenge. Always good to put some pressure on Greg (and other veterans), too.

  3. Great work and keep it up Gavin. See you next year.

  4. Well done Gavin, cracking work! Have a great summer!

  5. Excellent challenge Gavin. Remember the point is to have fun so move between projects at your own pace.

  6. You did a brilliant job on your first Challenge, Gavin. I especially liked your Turnip28 and Wars of the Roses figures. Hope to see you out with us again.

  7. Gavin - cheers on a fantastic Challenge! Was great to have you as part of the crew.

    And if I manage to paint some WOTR figures, I'll be sure you get the credit!

  8. Congrats on finishing your first Challenge Gavin- as a fellow Turnip aficionado I loved your Parsnip Pustules 91st! And the WotR stuff was great too (especially stringing your bows!) :-)

  9. Grand start to your participation in the winter madness

  10. You had a great Challenge, Gavin! I still not get the turnip thingy, but your figures were amazing. Your WotR figures were my favourites (those bow strings!), with such good detail. I hope to see you again in the next Challenge!

  11. Gavin I really liked your WOTR and they even had me thinking I ought to dig out my failed 2017 attempts at a Perry army. thanks for sharing your work.
