Monday, 9 February 2015

From AdamC - 15mm WWII Foreign Legion Sappers (40 Points)

The Sappers of the Légion étrangère, no this isn't an error I painted two platoons of these but I figures one would do as well as two for an the bonus theme. (sorry if I have confused anyone).

As mention in my Hot Themed entry the beard is a Sappers special distinction.  The fellow who is pointing is actual left over form another set but got a kepi head swap.

Here you can see the cork under sand I used to simulate old structures or rocky out cropping . Saddly the base work doesn't look as clear in the photos as I would like.

These guys will be a great addition to my early war Free French and Vichy forces for flames of war and could even do in pinch for inter war or World War I troops in the Middle East and North Africa.

There are a total of 20 figures here for 40 points. 


  1. You are doing such a good job maintaining a consistent level of output. The are lovely figures and I like those cork bases.

  2. Keep em coming Adam. You can never have enough Legion.

  3. Really good to see some "Kepi Blanc" terrific.
