Friday 1 March 2019

From DavidB: Your planet is in the way of the new imperial hyperway (98 points)

I finally cleared my desk of these very special ships. Special because they are the last of some ships my wife bought me for my absolute favourite spaceship game. She used a list of ships I wanted for a special task. She also hid them from me through several moves and thinning of my spaceship collection after a track shelf collapse destroyed and damaged my entire collection of Battlefleet Gothic Ship. It took a long time before I began to repair my Imperial fleet and these ships were among another BFG box game and other ships that she gave me when I was mostly finished with the ship rebuild and repair.
Pretty amazing feat on her part and still my favourite gift from her. I finally decided this year to use metallic paints on them to match task force Gold and task force Red. Fresh out of the shipyards I present Task Force Black.

Task Force Black has a specific mission of getting stuck in short range of enemy fleets. The Cobra Destroyer is the smallest of Imperial escort craft, but is also the fastest and capable of taking on ships-of-the-line with devastating torpedo launches. In close formation a squadron of four can place a torpedo spread larger than some capitol ships. The defence turrets and speed lets them intercept and destroy enemy fighter craft and torpedoes giving Task Force Black a solid screen.

The Gothic class cruiser is equipped with lance batteries which knock down enemy shields with ease. A real heavy slugger it can deal kill shots, but is better when used to batter a ship for it's companion ships to destroy.

The Lunar class Cruiser is an all-rounder with lance batteries and cannons.It's broadside isn't as powerful as some, but it's lance strikes help back up the salvo from the Gothic class cruiser.

The Tyrant class cruiser isn't as powerful as the Dominator, but it sacrifices firepower for range. It's purpose is to disrupt enemy flankers as the task force plows in. With 10 dice for each Port and Starboard batteries, and torpedoes, the firepower isn't diminished too much.

A Lunar Cruiser upgraded to battlecruiser with the addition of dorsal lance batteries. This ship is the tip of the spear for Task Force Black.

The Mars Class Battlecruiser is the flagship of Task Force Black till I can find an Apocalypse class Battleship. dorsal lance batteries, cannons, and flight bays make it a versatile craft. She is the only ship in the task force with a nova cannon. the other capitol ships are torpedoes and rams. This one  is the rocky core of the group sending squadrons of bombers and fighter craft to screen and harass enemy ships while the rest get stuck in.

The Cruel Seas has provided a lot of eye candy this year and I've obviously fell short in the nautical challenge. Yet, I've finally got Task Force Black in matching colors with the rest of my fleet. As I "accept" defeat it'll be with a show of planet killing firepower! ;)

Lunatic Fringe- Red Rider

In nautical tradition, the USN blasts music for a warning of Break-Away after underway replenishment. A tedious but necessary task used by warships to restock stores and transfer materials while out at sea. It is dangerous as both ships are still moving (although at reduced speeds). The break-away song is as much a warning of speed will be increased as it is thanks and see-ya-later. Lunatic Fringe was the breakaway song from the former top gun of the Pacific Fleet the USS Halsey CG-23 in the 80's. I first seen the world as a Gunners Mate before trading in my dungarees for camouflage as Infantry.

Using the points of the Strike Cruisers...
5 cruisers for 40
12 destroyers for 48
 (4 points each for the smaller ships)
88 total


And now for something completely different.

Ahh, Battlefleet Gothic. I have many fond memories of the game, and even fonder memories of the ships, despite mine being painted like crap. I now use them for Full Thrust as the Triple Empire.

These, however, are spectacular. You've done absolute wonders on the ships, especially all those obnoxious crevasses and recesses on the Cruiser box set. 

However, those cruisers are HUGE. They're easily the length of two 28mm infantry, so I'm going to rate them at 10 points per. That gives you a grand total of 98 points, and moving you up in the naval duel!


  1. This is SO COOL. Great work!!! Alas for Battlefleet Gothic, another magnificent GW game, killed by the sh*t-eating fools at GW...

    1. Thanks, Greg! I was pretty disappointed when they dropped BFG too. I was briefly excited about the rumors of the game returning till I found out it was computer gaming!? ;)

  2. Lovely spaceships David :)

  3. Wow, what a fabulous fleet and a terrific present from your wife. Bravo to you both! I love the slashes of white on the hulls - an inspired touch there. I also approve of your musical choice - a great 80s Canadian band. BooYah!

    1. Thank you, Curt! I am pretty lucky. I had to paint the dazzle camouflage on them and then wreak it with the prow, wing, and lance battery spot colors!
      Didn't know that Red Rider was Canadian, I appreciated that spot of music from the Vision Quest movie.

  4. That's a lot of ships Dave! Nice one.

    1. Thank you, Ray! Now I just need to find ships or opponents to match em!

  5. Great looking fleet! Love the blue and white colour scheme!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Of course I'm also a fan of the colorful ww1 dreadnoughts

  6. Great work on these ships and a great back story, of course there’s always a story with you isn’t ther? ;)

    1. Thanks, Peter! I'll blame my family, heritage or not, stories and conversation are more important than TV with my family!;)

  7. 42! Again, anyway great scheme for your task force David!

    1. Mostly harmless! ;)
      Thanks, Sander! My favorite force for my favorite game!

  8. An impressive looking fleet!

    1. Thank you, Noel! No more track shelves ever!
      These ships are very safe now in an old glass stereo cabinet.

  9. Great fleet, David, so good to see these old sculpts again!

  10. Great stuff. Nice colours. cheers
