Friday, 1 March 2019

From PeteF: Tarleton's British Legion (120 points)

This week I got a light box - which will hopefully make taking pictures a little easier and yield better results. I tried three different backgrounds - let me know what you think. Most people seem to go with black but I rather like the snazzy red - maybe too clashy?

Tarleton's troops were accused of at least one atrocity in the Revolutionary War - the massacre at Waxhaws. The British account is that Tarleton himself was fired on while some of the continentals were surrendering. In any event the British Legion then gave no quarter and this in turn was visited upon surrendering Brits in subsequent battles who were given "Tarleton's Quarter".

The British Legion had both infantry and cavalry - the infantry were wiped out at Cowpens. The cavalry component fought on. They eventually surrendered to a French force at Gloucester, close to Yorktown.

It is noteworthy that Tarleton's hat design was thought so spiffy that it was adopted by units on the American side - including Lee's Legion. It went on to adorn the Royal Horse Artillery in the Napoleonic wars - a significant fashion accomplishment.

I'm almost at the end of my AWI painting project - although now I'm planning a Rebel's & Patriots game instead of Black Powder I need to bump up my 20 man units to 24 (so that they each make two standard 12s).

12 mounted for 120 points. Figures are Perry 28mm.


Next up, we have an entry from Pete. Wait, British on Fridays? But it's French Fridays! Well, English is just French corrupted with, well, everything, so there!

The Tarleton hat is quite spiffy! You've also done a nice job highlighting it, so we can see the furry crest in all it's spiffiness. Especially compared to the rest of the uniform, which is very bland by 18th century standards, and almost modern in cut.

Very well done! 120 points in the book for you.


  1. Well done Peter. Great stuff.

  2. Great work. I need to get a light box.

  3. Bravo! That is a gorgeous unit of cavalry.

    Personally, I like black or grey for backgrounds. There's a reason why gem merchants use black silk as a backing cloth for display and black frames are the most popular colour for mounting images. Just my opinion though. :)

  4. Lovely work, great looking cavalry unit with my favourite 18th century hat!
    Best Iain

  5. Nice work on this band of brigands. Not only was the hat adopted by the Yanks, but the French used it in the early days of their Revolution!

  6. Tarleton is my favourite helmet, and these figures look truly spiffing! Nice work.

  7. I vote black, but the green pops pretty nice against the red.
    Very well executed, Pete! Those sculpts are wonderful and the brushwork is very fine on them. They are a gorgeous squadron!

  8. Very nice! The red is different and works well. I should get a light box myself.
