Saturday 28 December 2019

From MartinC Mill's Millpond - The Viking Horde (360pts)

Back in 1987, I was a young freshfaced University student, Ok even at 20 I was short, bald and fat. I mate Giles (posh not French) got me into Warhammer. I'd never heard of it until I went to Uni. We had been playing for a couple of years, I was new to the rules and he only ever fielded Wood Elf Archers so I kept getting slaughtered before I got even close. Then the Ravening Hordes supplement came out and Vikings were rock hard. You could by the army - Auden's Ravens for £60 - which was a lot then (90p per pint so a weeks drinking). They were Citadel minis on the new fangled slotta bases with plastic shields - you can still get them on the Foundry website. The shields were all wrong and there were only about 10 poses for the whole army but they were state of the art for 1987

Image result for warhammer ravening hordes 1987

I painted a few but painting wasn't that important then. Fighting was. We set up. I had to face his Wood Elf horde across an open field. So I charged. He shot and I kept coming. I made it into contact with the loss of only 3 figures, including Auden, and slaughtered him to a man (or Pixie or some other poncey woodland creature). God did he sulk. From that point forwards he became totally defensive and battles got boring.
So scroll forward 25 years and I dug them out and bought proper shields and fixed all the bases so that they were no longer slotta ones. Pinted a few and then put them back at the bottom of the lead mountain.
Well today I have finished them, these are the last 58 figures - not quite true but the few remaining ones are a crap pose, partially painted and I made a pigs ear of them 30 years ago.

The full force

Unit of huscarls

Unit of warriors

More warriors


last of the huscarls - these are the best of the bunch

So there are 58 figures from 1987 with a history to them. This should give me 58x5 +30 for an island location + 20 for being dead old + 20 cos I can remember their history = 360pts.

Right off to play To the Strongest tomorrow - might use these.


Wow, a points bomb of Vikings!  Great work Martin and a good history of where and when you picked them up as well.

You are a bit off on the points, as the history is only worth 10 bonus points, HOWEVER I will give you the extra 10 points back for hand painting shields you mad man....  Not sure why people do that when their are so many easy to apply decals out there... but hey, we are each mad in our own way.

Anyway, the whole lot looks awesome, and makes me want to actually finish all the vikings I started in the challenge for Saga two years ago and then got sidetracked from. 

They look great and will serve you well on the table.  Great seeing some old figures getting some love.

- ByronM


  1. Oooh Ravening Hordes, goes off wistfully dreaming....
    These are great and bring back some memories.

    1. Cheers, huscarls had 2 wounds and 2 attacks each and massize axes. Fab

  2. Wow Martin, great work and great back story. I’m loving the thought of 20 year old Martin balancing the economics of figures vs beer.

    1. There was no planning. Beer won. Helped that it was 50 miles to nearest shop and no Internet.

  3. Nice Viking relics, Martin and quite the points bomb :)

  4. Bring out your lead alright!

    1. god yes, oldest unpainted figs I own. I lost a load in a house move

  5. This. Is. Awesome.

    I loved the background story to these (especially the post-game elf sulk). I had completely forgotten about the 'Ravening Hordes' supplement until you mentioned it here. Now, that's a walk down memory lane! I had Beastmen, which everyone hated at they were all multi-wound troops. Back then it all seemed to revolve around what army you could come up with to piss off the most of your friends. Brilliant work Martin - love 'em all.

    1. It was my vengence. In Warhammer version 1 I always got the goblins and he had more elves.Cheers for you and Millsy mking me dig these out

  6. Awesome and old minis. I bet if you took them to a GW store they'd be older than any of the other customers/staff.

    1. cheers, yes they would. I only go there in emergencies to buy paint

  7. Nice job on these vintage miniature

  8. Fantastic submission - love the shields!

  9. What a brilliant entry! Ravening Hordes was my first "army book" and there were some crazy units in there.... I remember the ninjas being particularly ridiculous.

    Cracking job on the painting, they should definitely grace a table soon.

  10. Martin, that's a great entry alright! The story really makes it lovely to look at and it's awesome to see you give these oldies such a nice finish after all those years!

  11. Great looking Vikings! I like they're background too!
    Best Iain

  12. Vikings always look their best in hordes! Another great entry, Martin.
