Sunday 23 February 2020

From JamesM: Moar 15mm Colonists (Lady Sarah's Balloon) - 14 points

Hi folks,

Following swiftly on the heels of my fifth Challenge Island entry, I'm once again sacrificing paint and time in order to summon the mighty Balloon of Sarah!

I have to say, in MartinC's honour, that it's been Totes Emosh.

Unfortunately, today's sacrifice to Lady Sarah are two startlingly familiar sculpts. I's almost like they come two to a pack or something.

These young ladies are, however, not wearing the same colours. In fact, neither of them are the same colour as their twin.

Edit: missing picture:

Apologies Lady Sarah!
Again, these are 15mm armed colonists from GZG. These gals will inevitably see action against my security drone force at some point, although perhaps not soon.

While there are a number of fellow colonists on the painting desk currently, I am going to brace myself for whatever the Big Man on the Mountain decides I need to do to earn a treasure, and re-focus onto painting 10mm fantasy stuff in the time remaining before the Hammerhead show in March. This will also involve time spent basing the figures kind people have been sending me for the Joshua project.

And in case anyone hasn't seen it, I have a Facebook page up specifically for the project:

Anyway, points:

2 x 15mm figures = 4 points
1 x Glass of Bubbly = 10 points.

Total: 14 points

And off to the The Big Man's Mountain I go!

PeterD here again and it's Deja Vu all over again.  I could've sworn that I saw these dame casts very recently.  Great job on the not-twins.   I'm not sure if the bubbly still counts on your second balloon ride and there's no photographic proof of said second bubbly.  

However I am subbing and trying to get stuff posted and ForJoshua project is so worthy project that I'll spot your the 10 points.


  1. Lovely stuff James! :)

    And this post reminds me - I need to send you my lizardmen so that they can take their place on the table at Hammerhead.

  2. Ah, bigger - uploaded the bubbly pic but forgot to add it. Will sort this when I'm next at a PC!

  3. Double take there! But equally as nice
    Best Iain
