Thursday 19 March 2020

From AdamC: Hammer Sisters calling Sarah's balloon (10 points)

 Next up are two Bones Miniatures both are Female Dwarves I've dubbed them the Hammer Sisters for obvious reasons. 

I'm thinking I will use these as a Wizard and apprentice for Frostgrave they should do well for this. They would naturally be enchanters with a band of dwarven warriors and constructs to smash bad guys and grab treasure.  

 Fully armored and dule wielding hammers this is a lady the kicks buts and takes names on top of that she has an anvil in back pack and some strange aperatus that must be used for magic of some kind. 

This lady looks a bit like a cross between a black smith and a lady who want a night on the town. She'll make a great apprentice Enchanter.  Points 5 points each for the 25mm figures so 10 in total. 

Lady Sarah I have some Boarder Revers I need to drop off at Russell’s Sandhill.  

Nice figures there Adam. Up, up and away to Rousell's Sandhill!

(yes, I'm stepping in again as Martin is busy at work with pandemic planning)