Tuesday 3 March 2020

From PaulSS: O'Grady's Gulch - No Disintegration! (40 points)

Mrs Scrivs is a huge fan of Star Wars and one of her favourite characters is Boba Fett. So much so that this is the photo of us both having a meet and greet with Boba Fett at Disneyland back in 2017:

 This is the version of that photo she has as a screen saver on her phone, I should feel put out!

So, it's our wedding anniversary last week and I noted that there is a Boba Fett available for Star Wars: Legion, so I pinched my nose at paying $12.00 for a single plastic figures and bought him to paint up for her and got him done this past Saturday.

It's actually a very nice model to paint and did not feel like it too me too long at all to do my usual base-coat, wash, highlights. Victoria is delighted with him and he has pride of place on the shelf above her desk.

One 40mm foot figure with the location bonus should be 37 points towards my total.
By Paul:
What a great fig - love the dynamic posing too! But the best bit is the backstory. Any lady who has a favourite bounty hunter and appreciates a miniature for her Anniversary present is definitely in our AHPC inner circle :-)  3 Bonus points for Mrs Scrivs for a total of 40.


  1. Lovely looking bounty hunter!
    Best Iain

  2. Really nice model, great pose and painting!

  3. @Paul: Thank you. Although having now watched The Mandalorian I may now be in line behind both Boba Fett and Din Djarin ;)

  4. great job on him, I've just paid £35 for a single figure!

  5. Your lovely lady wife is most definitely a member of the Lady Sarah’s AHPC support/survivors club 🎈🍷❤️

    1. She certainly is, she just texted me about some Storm-troopers she is paining and then complained that she is now texting me about nerd stuff ;)

  6. Awesome Paul, I need to steal your paint scheme it's that good!

    1. Thanks Sander, I'll try to get the recipe on Scrivsland

  7. Great work on this figure and great back story. The best part is that she displays it prominently.
