Sunday 3 January 2021

From TomM: Chamber of Darkness: ZGMF-1001/M Blaze Zaku Phantom Rey Za Burrel custom (25 pts)

We decent further into the abyss with perhaps the hardest of the entries to wrap my mind around: paint something in grayscale.

Now, my first idea was to be boring and go for a ruin or a statue or the likes, but then as I was preparing my hobby goals for 2021 (a post found on my blog from the beginning of january), inspiration hit me.

As part of my Gundam SEED Destiny inspired Tau force, the third bodyguard suit for the commander still needed to be painted.  I already did the orange one and the burgundy one, but the third elite ZAFT pilot in the series, Rey Za Burell, pilots a light grey modified ZAKU suit, so I went along and painted that one for this entry.  

And it allowed me to give this entry a spectacular name instead of just "Tau Battlesuit" hehehe...

I admit, his drones have been used for the previous chamber, the Golem's...

Making use of various greys (bar the base), the suit is completely done in the spectrum from black to white, and about every grey I have lying around here in it.  Add some small details for the eye and lenses, and voila, one greyscale battlesuit ready to fight for the Greater Good (or the ZAFT, depending your preferred franchise).

The Inspiration:

As I stated above, this is the modified Blaze ZAKU piloted by Rey.  The suit has a generic loadout, so as such I also went for the pretty standard combination of a tracker, a meltagun and a missile pod, which is a bit of a good combination for all purpose duties on the field of battle.

Next up for this project, though doubtfull that will be during the AHPC, will be "regular" ZAKU suits in their traditional olive green liveries.

It's also the final entry for me in this week as my holiday comes to an end, next time I have serious off time is in the half of february when I have a minor surgery, so my entry level rate will drop as I`m back to painting an hour in the morning before leaving for work, but we end with 25 pts to tally for this one (a single 28mm one and the room bonus).


  1. Nice romp ‘me stomp robot thingy.

  2. You're right Tom, that is a much better name than Tau Battlesuit. ;) Excellent work! FYI, I've scored this guy as a cavalry model. Good luck with work (ugh) and your upcoming surgery.

  3. Great looking greyscale battle suit!
    Best Iain

  4. Striking looking battlesuit.
