Tuesday 16 February 2021

From SimonG: Infiltrators at Graveyard Beach - Soviet Reconnaissance Troops in 10mm (50 points)

Hopefully not stretching the rules too much my offering for the first part of Level III in the Chambers of Challenge is an amphibious landing on Graveyard Beach. The infiltrators in question is a Soviet GSFG recce platoon comprising four amphibious BRDM-2 armoured cars and their crews. 

They also have  AA support from a ZSU-23-4 and BRDM-2 SA-9. The former is also known as the "Shilka" which is of course a river in Russia so continuing the aqueous theme!

One of the key challenges in this case was capturing the essence of a mid 80s camouflage one piece in 10mm -- a few splotches and it seems to have come out ok 👌.

The ZSU-23-4 has always been my favourite piece of Soviet ironmongery and I've modelled these in 6mm, 54mm and pretty much everything in between over the years. I even took a special trip to Bovington for research last time I did one in 1:35 back in the mid 1990s. While all the other models are from Timecast the ZSU-23-4 is from Red3 (as the Timecast model was OOS at the time I ordered). The Red3 models are all metal and have excellent detail, especially in the wheels and tracks, but lose out in other areas to the Timecast -- either are a good choice and you can mix and match although probably not the same vehicle as the Red3 seem a shade smaller in scale.

I think this should be good for another 50 points (12 10mm figures at 1 point each, six vehicles at 3 each and 20 for the challenge) which takes me exactly to my original target! Next up a video game hero for The Hall of Heroes!

Great work on the camo in 10mm - I'll have to take your word for it that the chaps are there! *lol*



  1. Some awesome stuff indeed mate!

    1. Thanks Sander -- I really like these particular Timecast figures, the "onesies" really suit the scale and the camo helmets set things off well

  2. Great work Simon! I love this period/setting so much...I was a little wary of the Time Cast infantry, but you have made them look fantastic! I must revised my views, and perhaps make an order...great work.

    1. Thanks Greg -- the TimeCast miniatures are quite stylised but paint up well with distinct detail however I also like the look of the very latest Red3 figures (esp the West Germans) -- the older Red3 Russians look a tad odd to me (helmets too large), so worth getting a few samples to try in any case

  3. Really impressive painting and basing on such tiny figures.

    1. Thanks -- knowing no better I treat them the same as 28mm! Luckily they are not too complex colour wise :-)

  4. Great looking commies and support vehicles.

    1. Thanks Peter. I’ve just got a few more support vehicles and engineers to do them my Soviet force is done

  5. Lovely looking Soviets and great camo on the little chaps!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, got to work on getting those dots consistent however 😝 more Seurat, less Pollock

  6. Really nice look at the smaller scale - super camo.

    1. Thanks, sets me up for all the camo on the British I’ll have to do!

  7. Very nicely done figures. 10mm is a great scale for ww2 and modern Periods in my opinion

    1. Thanks for that -- I toyed between 15mm, 6mm and 10mm and chose the latter in the end for its ability to deploy large forces but still have decent individual infantry to paint and operate. I'm also using rules (Sabre Squadron) that allow for urban conflict which should be interesting

  8. I love the ZSU-23-4 as well!

    1. Just found a set of instructions to build one in Lego! That should be a fun project for the future 😆

  9. Super painting regardless of scale,even better at 6mm
    Regards KenR

    1. Thanks Ken, this project and some of what I’ve seen others have posted have inspired me to begin a 6mm ancients project using the Pendraken figures
