Saturday 25 December 2021

From EdwardG - 28mm Celtic druidic chap [Caprica] (25pts)

 Merry Christmas all! 

My first entry for this year is a left over from a previous project. I found him loitering near the bottom of the lead pile and decided it was his time to finally receive some paint! Also he has served as a nice piece of procrastination fodder, as I am ever so slightly daunted by the number of primed 28mm, 15mm, and 6mm figures I have on my painting desk ready to go for the challenge! :D 

I believe the figure is originally a Foundry miniature. From their Celtic druid pack. He is a reasonable sculpt and there is a certain vagabond feel to him with his ripped and ragged clothes. 

I am putting him forward for my first planet fall on Caprica, as I think of him as one of the last of his order. On the run after the Anglesey massacre. Fallen from his previous high station. Doomed just as his culture is doomed to pass thanks to the Romanification that would occur over the next 400yrs. 

He has been painted with a mixture of contrast paints and normal acrylics. I do like the speed from the contrast, but I am still getting used to them. I am finding that a dry brush of white over the grey primer really helps to pull out the details.  

As for the points total, this figure =

5pts for the 28mm minitature

20pts for the planet fall on Caprica

Total = 25pts :)

I hope everyone has a great festive period, and can celebrate as well as possible in the current circumstances. I think, it is time for second lunch...then perhaps a nap ;)



First, welcome back to the Challenge, Ed!

What a terrific mini for Caprica. As you say, he has a wonderful ragged, destitute look about him and I like that you've fit him into the twilight of the druidic period. Makes me think of Cornwell's 'Winter King'. Yes, the Contrast paints are wonderful, but they often need a little teasing out to bring out their best as we can see with your excellent efforts with his cassock. Great job Ed and Merry Christmas!

- Curt


  1. Great druid and thanks for the drybrush tip, I need to try that!

  2. Nice looking Druid Ed. Nice effects on the robe

  3. Very nice work Ed! The blue robe came out especially well

  4. Great figure Edward and a great start to your Challenge!

  5. Welcome to the Challenge and fantastic first entry. The guy looks like meeding a couple of weeks at a Spa XD

  6. Off the mark Ed, great start 👍 Regards KenR

  7. Smashing job! I quite like his robe!

  8. He does look a touch like a down-on-his-luck wizard doesn't he? I like your choice to paint him in blues as I would have gone for the drab, boring and dull brown or grey.

  9. Nice, colourful looking druid. His robes were probably magnificent before those Romans showed up and attacked Anglesey.

  10. Nice opening entry, Ed! I like the robe very much, but it's the stitches that drew my eye! He has bits from a long life and although his robe is decrepit, it has been mended before! Very nice work!

  11. Great first entry Ed, nice figure indeed!

    Cheers Sander

  12. I should try that Contrast trick.
