Sunday 26 December 2021

Prize Sponsors for Challenge XII

 Hi All!

I hope you are all enjoying a nice holiday break. I've managed to rouse myself from my tryptophan induced haze to give you some good news. We have lots prezzies waiting in the wings!  

Below is the list of this year's generous and splendid Challenge Sponsors. If you find yourself having some spare shekels burning a hole in your pocket, please think of visiting these vendors to see if they have something shiny that may interest you. 

Some of these prizes will be given out as our 'Challengers' Choice', 'Judges Choice' and 'Sarah's Choice' awards at the end of the Challenge, but others will be given out via the tempestuous whims and wishes of your Challenge organizer (i.e. me).  Yes, the power I wield is pretty heady stuff - not for the faint of heart, and pretty exhausting actually. In fact, I think I may lie down again for another nap. 

See you in the upcoming entries!

- Curt


Comic Readers

Deep Cut Studios

Moonstone, from Goblin King Games

Northern Lights Terrain and Gaming Supplies

The War Library

Too Fat Lardies


Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

Westfalia Miniatures


  1. Top news Curt some awesome prizes from some top companies 👏

  2. Fab stuff. Very generous of all the "sponsors" :)

  3. It seems there are a lot more sponsors than usual? Great to see the AHPC getting support from the hobby industry.

  4. Thank you one and all. Ofv to go shopping now
