Monday 3 January 2022

Monday Minion Reporting for Duty

Welcome to the first week of Minion administration.  What could possibly go wrong? Other than me erasing the first post I tried to comment on and having to chase MattW to get it resurrected.....

This will be the scheduled week of posting from our stalwart crew of Monday challengers.  We've got posts from ancient Rome tovery distant and grim futures and including ghosts of my teenage years (very scary). 


  1. What could go wrong? On Monday? :)
    Good luck Peter and some free time for Curt!

    1. Thanks Teemu, I believe that I am the sacrificial offering.

  2. 'We thank you for your service...'

    Have a great Monday Peter!

    1. Let me navigate the Cursed Spreadsheet of Doom before thanking me.

  3. Minioning isn’t for the faint of heart! If it was erased, did it really happen?!
    (if this double posts, my apologies- blogger is irritated with me today)

  4. Thanks for your service... nad have a great Monday!

  5. Accidentally deleting a post? I seem to recall someone doing that last year or the year before, or maybe the year before that but can't remember which minion it was...probably that pesky RayR ;)

    It looks like you had a fairly busy day.

    ps - thanks for leaving the duty room clean and tidy for me! :)

    1. Might have been Ray and might have been my post…
      All fixed now. We had a busy day with a few first day blips due to my rustiness, bu5 lots of good stuff and no body suffered permanent damage.
