Monday 28 March 2022

From DallasE: Painting Challenge Wrap-up

The 1/56 Schwimmwagen is MIA

Well it's time to wrap up another Challenge so here goes...

My total output for the Challenge this year was down, unfortunately - not sure why exactly. I had some personal things going on and lots of hockey (both ice- and floor-) to play this winter so that may have contributed to a painting slowdown. Also I didn't slavishly follow the course of the planets through the Challenge system like I did last time, so that cost me some points. But honestly I don't really care about the points (how could I with less than 800 scored and a 43rd place finish?) and it was just good to get some stuff painted.

Here is the breakdown:

1/48 and 1/50 vehicles: 9
1/56 vehicles: 5
Star Wars Legion infantry: 12
Star Wars Legion beasts and riders: 2
28mm infantry: 13
28mm beasts: 1
28mm riders: 2
20mm vehicles: 1
28mm terrain and vehicle stowage: quite a bit

So thanks again to Curt and Sarah, and all the Minions (especially my Minion Barks) for all their work in running the Challenge again this year. And my wallet thanks you too for prompting me to start a whole new 28mm WW2 project! 

With that I'll sign off again for another year, and in the immortal words of Dr. John McLaughlin (anybody else remember his show, The McLaughlin Group??):



  1. That's still an impressive output, with all those vehicles. I'm sure your wallet feels much healthier for having been lightened by the new WW2 project! :)

  2. Great work dude, excellent Challenge.
    As for the new projects, just think of... (checks latest propaganda on modern monetary theory)...all of the jobs you are creating! It's almost free!

  3. Fantastic work Dallas. I particularly liked your Fel Beast and the Tauntaun scouts. Until next year!

  4. Thanks guys! Just realized that in addition to the schwimmer, I forgot to photograph the Pzkpfw III (M)... grrr

  5. Great stuff Dallas, really liked your AFVs

  6. Awesome work Dallas. I think my personal favourite was your TaunTauns.

  7. Well done, Dallas. Looking forward to seeing those Churchills on the board for a 80th anniversary of Dieppe game.

  8. Some great work Dallas, an impressive Haul you have there!

  9. Lots of beautiful terrain and vehicles from you Dallas, good work! One of the nice(?) things of the Challenge, the urge to paint the minis you don't already have. :)

  10. It was so good to see your lovely work, Dallas! I particularly liked your BBQuda, even though I am not much into Gaslands. Another great Challenge for you!

  11. Nice wrap-up Dallas, a figure haul to be proud of.

  12. After showing my husband your outstanding BBQuda, he started to think that Gaslands sounded pretty cool! You had some remarkable figures this Challenge.

  13. Brilliant stuff, you're also very productive given the volume of stuff in those cabinets!

  14. Congrats on a great Challenge!

  15. Bravo Dallas, a great result

