Sunday 18 December 2022

PhilH Hobby Space and Plans for AHPCXIII

All is quiet, all is still. It’s three days before painting challenge XIII opens and Phil is….ready? 

Well no, not entirely ready, but there's always more prep one can do. I never have an issue getting stuff prepped. It's more the painted-and-finished bit that's the problem. But I've been pretty productive for the autumn and am hopeful of a frenzied assault on the lead mountain over the winter. And I've enough prepped to last me two or three AHPCs.

Here’s my hobby setup at my current place, a small desk and bookshelves in the spare bedroom. It’s by no means optimised, but works well enough. I do assembly and any airbrushing downstairs in the basement, to keep all that gear out of the way. 

So what do we have? A decent articulated daylight lamp, the most important thing. Dropper bottle paint racks by I like their stuff, with the white laminate it looks a bit more swish than similar mdf items. Brushes, waterpot, homemade wet palette. 'Painted stuff' cabinet on the right, where things wait for final basing and varnishing without getting too dusty.

The four white drawers are full of prepped minis, sometimes even sorted by project. Basing materials below that. Occasional use stuff above: effects paints, enamel washes, thinner, basing gunk and glues. Some more prepped minis up top: I’ve been busy this last few months. 

Soooo let's see what's in those drawers. 

Top left: mostly Star Wars, from both the official Legion range and 3D prints as well as some superheroes for Marvel Crisis Protocol.
Top right: Spanish Civil War Moors and loyalist militia, misc bits from skirmish games. 
Bottom left: a T-26 and truck for the SCW. SW scout bikers. A squad of fallschirmjager. The rest of the platoon is hunkered down somewhere else.
Bottom right: Our only coherent tray! All FIW/AWI: Canadien militia, French officer and drummers, Roger's Rangers, other related bits and bobs. 

Then up top...

Oh look, a whole French platoon for the fall of France. More FIW: an extra group of iroqouis for the force I did in winter 2021, some FIW colonial rangers and militia. Star Wars Endor commandos, and the saga’s lead and hero. So, plenty to be getting on with. 

A fair amount of this can be shoehorned into the Studio themes, if I stay focused. I'll probably get distracted though, as I tend to ignore the plan and 'follow the brush'.

Looking forward to getting stuck in and seeing everyone else's posts flood in, as well as minioning for the Friday Crew. See you on the other side of the start line!


  1. Looking good! I too have some FIW stuff primed and ready to go, so I am counting on your project to inspire me.

    1. That’s been my main project recently, I hope to get two forces finished over the winter.

  2. Lots of nice things to look forward to! Nice hobby setup to, very tidy. I like the Hobbyzone stuff too, I have quite a few of their little cabinets. Full off unpainted figures of course 😉. Have fun in the Challenge, Phil!

    1. Cheer Emjenic, it was tidied just for show. I was impressed with the hobbyzone pieces, I will pick up a few more some time.

  3. Excellent stuff Phil! You have a very efficient setup. I look forward to your talented brush touching upon any of these project, but I have to admit I have a soft spot for SCW. Bring it on mate!

    1. I’m on a bit of a SCW hiatus in favour of other projects. But you never know, follow the brush and all…

  4. That is a nice looking mix of hobby projects to see you through the challenge.

    1. i find that as in many things, variety is the spice of life. And many of these have been waiting their turn for a while. Let’s see how disciplined I can be.

  5. That's a very tidy, organised painting the moment; I'm sure it will look much more normal given a bit of time! :)

    1. You are quite right Tamsin, as always. I did give it a cheeky little tidy beforehand

  6. A decent mix of stuff - look forward to seeing it come off the production line

  7. Cheers Dave, I look forward to your production as always.

  8. Phil, Damn, too well organised compared to me! I am still looking for one of my projects up in the attic…… all the best in the challenge!


    1. Haha well I’ve had a bit of time. And I need all the headstart I can get to push some points this time!

  9. That's far too organized Phil! We need to send Ray around to bring it down to a proper shambles.

    1. I just hid all the mess. Give it a week, then it’ll be back to normal.

  10. All looks very organised Phil. Good luck!
