Saturday 7 January 2023

The Saturday Showcase Spectacular

Some say they are the greatest brush-jockeys ever to slap paint on a mini. Some say they are the most elite group of hobbyists ever to grace the scene. Some say, 'wait, who are we talking about again?'

Yes folks, that's right, the Saturday crew are here to brighten your day with loads of gorgeous eye-candy and finely painted figures the likes of which you won't find elsewhere. And to help keep those rambunctious grandees of the pigments in line, here's their minion, StuartL.

Given the name and the job, this picture seemed appropriate. It's not totally inaccurate either.

Well this is my first time as a minion and so far everything seems to be going okay. I haven't managed to set blogger on fire yet, or accidentally deleted everyone's posts. Still the day is young.

On todays Saturday Showcase Spectacular, we have:
A selection of genres from the brush of the brilliant Barks.
Some rebels fresh from the stars from the great GregB.
And some nifty Napoleonics from the magnificent MartijnN

Hopefully there will be more to come during the day... stay tuned.


  1. Looks like you have the Saturday A-Team under your wing, Stuart. Have a great day of it!

  2. Inspired by these lofty words it’s forward into the breach once more! (Though I’m more of the “wait, who are we talking about again” club 😉)

  3. Another new minion takes up the mantle! Have a great day, Stuart! :)

  4. Lots of new minions this year. Have a great day!

  5. Welcome to the brotherhood of Minion!
