Wednesday 15 February 2023

From PeterB - Chaos Epic - 42 points

 Morning all from sunny South East England. As I write this I am being blinded by perfect model painting daylight. So, what have I been up to this week? Well, with challenge studios completed (apart from the Directors chair) I am going to have to rely on volume of models now for points rather than bonus points. So, I decided to switch to 6mm?

Yep, last challenge I was painting my Epic Armageddon Chaos undivided army and there is still some left to do. I'm not sure whether I will eventually use the Epic 40K rules for playing with these models (the latest rules don't really cover all the Chaos models I have) so for now I am just painting models that take my fancy and then going from there.

The other issue of course is unless I want to spend a fortune on Ebay, I'm struggling to find original models so this is a long slow project.

Firstly I have painted 14 of what I think are Disc riders of Tzeentch, although they don't look very disc like. I read on a blog somewhere that people weren't initially impressed with the sculpts of these and I must agree (hence why I skipped over them last challenge) but they do have some detail when you paint them.

They are from the original plastic sprues that also had all the infantry options as well.

As I said original GW models are pricey second hand as I'm sure you all know. Proxy models for Epic are also few and far between but I did find these great Sparta APC vehicles from Vanguard Miniatures. They come with double sided top hatches, plain and Renegade, so of course I chose the Renegade side.

They will make great alternatives for Rhino transport for my Marines.

The paint scheme is fairly simple with GW Macragge Blue covered with an old blue ink wash I still have from the 90's. (those old citadel paints really last don't they?)

I am not sure what this guy is officially known as. He was in a pile of second hand epic bits I was donated by a friend. At first I thought he was a 28mm scale familiar, so he was moved to a different box. Turns out though he is from the Epic range, possibly a Demon Prince, or Giant Bloodletter?

He is certainly giant sized for Epic, to the top of his head he is 2cm.

Finally some more from Vanguard miniatures. In the chaos army list there is mention of Death Wheels and I thought these fit the bill pretty well.

The remainder of my hobby time this week gave me no points for the challenge. Whilst I was delving through my Epic models I realised I had not added the flock to the bases of any of my Orks, so once the chaos models had been given a good flocking, I continued on with the hundreds of Orks. Well, at least they are done now...

Far too many to fit in one picture

To the points:

14 x mounted 6mm = 14 pts

12 x 6mm vehicles = 24 pts

1 x 20mm foot figure = 4 pts

Total = 42 points

Minion Miles: wow I really like the epic 40k stuff - keep it coming!


  1. The original sculpts look a bit soft, but the alternatives you have found look really sharp. Good job finding them and very nice brushwork. The giant bloodletter is unknown to me, too.

    1. Thanks Teemu. Yep, Vanguard miniatures is a great find, I'm definitely gonna be getting more.

  2. Good job, Peter! Not all old Citadel paints keep well, I can tell from experience 😉. Still, yours look fine.

  3. Thank you! Yep some do survive. I have an unopened pot of Blood Angels Orange that I am too scared to open in case something happens to it when I do.

  4. Well done on flocking those orks! I like the death wheels.
