Monday 6 February 2023

From RossM 15mm Romans and 28mm Wars of the Roses 31Points

Third post from my myself this Challenge and moving forward at a glacial pace.  First up are three figures from Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses range.

These are part of a Lancastrian retinue for Lion Rampant and the centre figure is in the colours of Lord Roos and  will probably be a leader type when the retinue is completed.   

After watching Medieval the other week there will be some darker armours coming through for that more lived in feel. Can't help thinking that living in all that metal would have been hell though. 


There are another three figures for this part of the retinue that are 75% completed and they will follow up in the coming weeks. 

The second part of this week's entry is the start of Early Imperial Roman figures from the Plastic Soldier company and others. 

The first picture shows a legion command stand and only the rear rankers have been painted for this years challenge. 

The shield transfers are from Little Big Man and have been interesting to apply. All the fiddling and swearing is worth it in the end as they set the figures off excellently. 

The supporting archers are from Essex Miniatures and fit in well with their chunkier plastic legionnaires. Not sure if  this option will be used in ADLG but always better to have than not I think. 

So in finishing this week's post the tally moves forward to include

3 x 28mm figures at 15 points

8 x 15mm figures at 16 points for  a total of 31 points (6.2 % with a running total of 45 or 9%) Best get the brushes out a spread some paint around. 

Cheers for now

Nice work on these Historicals Ross.  I’m a big fan of the Perry WotR range and you’ve done this trio of tin can wearers proud.  Looking forward to seeing the next lot.

I’ve not seen the PSC ancients before, but yours have come up nicely.  I applaud your diligence in getting the shield transfers on, that’s well beyond the capacity of my patience.


  1. Great work, Ross. Always enjoy seeing WotR stuff.

  2. Very nice! Speaking from reenactment experience, even a few hours in a full harness isn't that unpleasant provided the weather isn't too warm. And you're not getting you're @rse kicked by half a dozen billmen at once :-P

    1. And that's while wearing your firefighter suit right? ;-p

    2. Thanks and I'll bear that in mind the next time I see a half dozen billmen heading my way!

  3. The WotR models look fantastic, and the Romans are nice too.

  4. Awesome armour Ross, can't wait to see your Medieval inspired stuff. Great movie by the way, far more gritty than regular Holywood stuff.

    1. I enjoyed Medieval far more than I thought I would, probably due having low expectations to start with. The gritty look of the film worked exceptionally well imho.

  5. Very nice! Beware - painting Perry WotR figs is highly addictive!!! :-)

    1. So I am finding out as there are some 15mm MAA on the go as well

  6. Very nice tin cans. Excellent work on both. I agree the LBM transfers require a near zen patience, but worth the result.

    1. Thanks Bruce, I have patience but not zen patience :)

  7. The WOTR figures are very good, and I particularly like your Romans. I just received a bunch of LBM transfers in the post; never ever having used transfers before, now I’m just a little apprehensive…

    1. Thank you! No need to be apprehensive, just give yourself some space and time and all will be well. I've found that they work really well on both 15 and 28mm scale shields and are worth the time to put them on.

  8. Nicely done Ross, like the look of the WOTR figures

  9. Lovely looking WOTR types and always good to see Romans!
    Best Iain
