Wednesday 22 February 2023

From TeemuL: In the superhero lands [Superheroes][Limo] (62 points)

"Superhero movies have much in common with Tolkien's Middle-Earth, both of them are very clearly divided to good and evil. So there is lot to steal.. err... inspire from superhero movies regarding our Murin and Drar project. One of the key things is the arch-rival, I'm quite sure we need something like that to carry our story - at least if we are going the superhero way, let's see. Anyway, that is something for the script writers to worry about, we can focus on action and special effects. But since we are here at the studio, let's take a look at these superheroes here on the left before we take a taxi ride to Westerns..."

For my superhero studio I present pretty much every superhero miniature I have. These three came from a YourModelBox box some time ago and they are from Warlord Games for Strontium Dog, which says nothing to be, but I learnt that it means Judge Dredd. I don't know much about Judge Dredd either, I have seen the Stallone movie, but that's about it.

I painted these with Contrast paints, the guy on the right is most likely a judge and from the good side. The other two probably are not and I have painted them in different colours than judge. I think them as underhive people, but I don't know if such things exist in Mega City One. All the colours choices are mine, I vaguely remember Judge Dredd being in black-yellow-and-red, and those are the colours I chose for the good guy. I hope I don't offend any Judge Dredd fans with this post. :)

And then there is this thing, which I believe is at least related to the superhero worlds, if not a superhero by itself. This is Pting from Doctor Who series. It is from Warlord Games, too, and I got it from their mystery box last autumn. Doctor Who is even a bigger mystery than Judge Dredd, but based on my knowledge from this Challenge, it can be categorized as a superhero world, at least if thinking loosely.

This is plastic, while the Strontium Dogs were metal, and very small. Take a look at the top photo. I learnt from internet, that one of the colours valid for these is red, so I painted him red. And the thing it is carrying, I painted in metal and yellow, because those were the colours I saw on the mini while researching in the net. Very simple paint job. Sorry again, if I offend any Doctor Who fans. :)

Once again I need a limo to take me to a better place. I have something almost done for western, but I can't get there without help. I wonder how I always seem to corner myself this way... This lovely lady is Tughaib of the Spirits, Mithril M166, for supporting the MERP range. Not the goodest person, so I painted her in similar darkish colours as the Strontium Dogs baddies. Nice and characterful mini. And she will provide me a ride the Westerns studio.

From manufacturer: "Tughaib, or "Tughaib of the Spirits" is a handsome woman, born of the harsh highlands of the Misty Mountains. Said to have Elven blood, she was tall, strong and wily. She had a power, born perhaps of that rumoured Elven blood, but also the product of long years of training and learning at the feet of the priest Eribhen who gave her the Ghostbane Staff in heritage.
With the power of the staff, she was able to bend unquiet spirits to her will. There, in the foothills of the Misty Mountains, overlooking the barren crags of the Dunmen, she dreamed of becoming a power, a queen of ghosts.
History does not tell precisely what happened to Tughaib of the spirits, but the wise believe some brave souls slew her, and scattered her army of dark things to the spring winds in the mountains."

And then the points: 4 minis of 28mm category is 20 points.

1 mini (Pting) in 15mm category is 2 points.

2 locations (Superheros and Limo) is 40 points.

That is 62 in total, if the minion approves.

Minion Miles: I approve!


  1. Great painting here Teemu. I'm not an AD expert but I believe like most of the 40K lore, the Underhive is basically "inspired" by something else, on this occasion the Mega Cities of the World of Judge Dredd so your right there.

    1. GW is quite jealous of their "inspired" IP, they can be "inspired" by all, but others can't be by them. :)

  2. Nice painting, Teemu! :)

    I believe that those Judge Dredd figures are the ones sent out with pre-release demo packs for the game; one Judge and two gang members.
    Strontium Dog is a separate story from the pages of 2000AD (and game from Warlord), although there have been some crossovers with the Judge Dredd strips. As for the "underhive", there are a lot of "slum" hab blocks in Mega City 1, and an undercity (they concreted over the old city areas) inhabited mostly by mutants and troggies.

    1. Thamks Tamsin! I found a photo of the pack when I got it and they indeed are an preview pack. The gangers look like underhive scum, so I painted them as such. May be I need to explore this universe more, or create a Firefly-like crew from these various characters and play something with them.

  3. A very fine job again, Teemu! I love your not-so-good lady.

  4. Great work Teemu. I’ve no clue what the figures are meant to be either

  5. I really like your colour choices and the ‘Not so Good Lady’ is cool

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Practice makes better, working with limited colours long enough and you find some which work together.

  6. Excellent work. Very fun much. Well done.

  7. Terrific painting on these characters, Teemu. I love the punchy colours!

    1. Thanks! With these odd minis it is good to try some wild colours and combinations.

  8. Nice looking characters Teemu but the lore is a mysterry to me

  9. A set of bizarre characters, but the paint looks really good

  10. Great looking 2000ad types and the magic user is ace!
    Best Iain

  11. Nice work, Teemu! The Keith Urban Judge Dredd is the better film! The gangers and judge are very nice, but I like the Wizard way more. The cloth is very nice on her.

  12. Do yourself a favour and watch the Karl Urban Dredd!
