Wednesday 22 February 2023

From SarahHC: Lady Sarah's Limousine (40 Points)

Hi Everybody!

Lady Sarah’s Transportation Service has been a super popular feature over the past few Challenges.

Today, I present the luxury limousine service that is the preferred mode transport around AHPC Studios, GmBh.

After searching for a suitable 3D print, I found this retro car from Modular Worlds.

When I told the Snowlord how I was planning to paint the car … he was a bit dubious about my colour scheme. I quickly sketched my plan and he/we decided that the only way I could execute the colour fade would be to use the airbrush.

First time using the airbrush and I must thank Curt for his patience and kindness. I can happily say, that there were very few mishaps, and no curse words (truly)!!

The limousine’s Challenge clientele is eclectic, interplanetary and time traveling, and I thought should be both glamorous and elegantly futuristic.

It’s silver chrome and acid green colours are also pretty dynamic and exciting, which means the car is super fast too! Perfect for zipping around the studio lot.

There were a lot of steps to get from the original concept to the finished model.

Not just that it was my first airbrush experiment, but Curt kept putting forward ideas … and I actually followed some of his suggestions!

I must thank Curt for his patience. I can happily say, that there were very few mishaps and no curse words!!

Trying to do an ombré effect with the airbrush was really nerve wracking and scary. Will I try again? You bet!

I also used an oil wash, then using a small sponge dipped in thinner, I removed the excess oil paint. Thus, giving more depth to shadows and seems to enhance the ombré effect of silver into the acid green. Pretty nifty! Thanks Curt!

Points wise = One super-groovy 20mm scale car for 15 Points AND if anything, this entry should be perfect for the Lady Sarah's Limousine theme (I'm sure she's there behind the privacy glass, looking glamorous). :) 35 Points total. 

Not sure what I will paint next, but I do need to get busy if I'm going to meet my points goal.

Thanks for reading and happy Wednesday!

- Sarah

Minion Miles: A wonderful treatment of the automative subject.  but you're off on points, the total is 40 as you get 5 bonus sympathy points for having to listen to Curt's suggestions.  I would have been tempted to spray him with the airbrush - on "accident", of course 


  1. Not the easiest theme to paint, I'm sure! Looks good and has certain Lady Sarah glamour and mystery, which I expect.

    1. Thx Teemu! I’m pleased that the limo turned out so well.
      I think the model will have good use in Chuthlu and pulp adventures

  2. Vrrrooom! Sarah is very much deserving of those extra 5 bonus points for having to listen to my 'helping commentary'. :)

  3. That limo looks suitably fabulous and swift, Sarah! Great job with the airbrushing! :)

    1. Thx Tamsin, the airbrush is a bit intimidating but definitely worth it

  4. Well, if I had known the limo looked this good I would have taken more trips! Lovely work.

  5. Excellent! Reminds me of a suitably classy Traction Avant!

    1. Ooh, I had to loook that up … classic Citroen ❤️

  6. Lovely work. I’ve not braved using an airbrush as I figure that I’d paint my ear drum or retinas in the process. How much well did Curt paint up?

  7. Great limo and happy no swear words were harmed in the painting instruction. I love the airbrush for vehicles and for priming figures in the colder climes. Well done.

    1. Thanks Bruce .. The airbrush was a scary-fun experiment, I’m looking forward to playing with it more

  8. That's really classy your ladyship

    1. Why thank you, classy yet mysterious is always a good look🙂

  9. Well done... and a brave forward step, not everybody dare to mess with an airbrush. My advice would be to work some panneling with inks, can improve the paint work significantly

  10. Highly impressive colour gradients on the automobile!

    1. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it, but I’m super pleased at the results

  11. Great job Sarah - congrats on cracking out the airbrush too. I loathe the fiddly things, but there is not question that they can help achieve a certain look that no brush can match. This looks great!

  12. Splendid looking limo! Not keen on airbrushes as I used to have to spray things for a job and didn't like all the protective kit, the option of not wearing it was worse!
    Best Iain

  13. Haha … airbrush PTSD, I can totally understand

  14. That is a very pretty green, Sarah! I feel I need to find a zootsuit to qualify hailing for lift!

  15. Nice work Sarah, I am sure it Curt the joker inspired…..

