Saturday 18 March 2023

From PaulSS: Gaslands gates -- 40pts

Starting gate, I included a reminder for the drivers to engage weapon safety

Hopefully this post will just make it under the wire.

I've added some more Gaslands Tracksessories in the form of six racing gates from Sarissa Precision that I picked up from the Northstar stand at Hammerhead a couple of weeks ago, apologies for the shonky photos, I set them out on the track ready for a game and forgot that it would not be optimal lighting.

Gate 1: Safety Off!

Gate 2: Rickety and held up with chains

Gate three with a blood splattered reminder you are half way there

Gate 4: Looks like it's seen better days

The finishing line

My daughter and her partner Neil are visiting this weekend so after setting up the track with the gates, Neil and I played out a 50-can Death Race with Neils' Dodge Challenger easily out in font and crossing the Finish line.

The three cars I used were all painted during the challenge.

Like all the best Gaslands, much carnage took place during the game with gate 2 being especially treacherous.

Thursday evening also saw the other main project I worked on during this challenge, the 12mm US and Germans for O Group also got an outing.

Like a couple of years ago, the end of the Challenge coincided with a trans-Atlantic relocation, so most of my gaming stuff is all packed up and ready for collection next week!

The race gates are quite large and would be two "terrain squares" for the lot adding 40 points to my final total.

Many thanks to Curt and all the Minions, especially Monday Minion Peter for all his work and words of encouragement.  


These gates look brilliant, Paul. I especially like the gate held up with chain tensioners. It's wonderful that you got in an early game with them as well!  I'll have to consider something similar for my beginners-level Mad Maximillian collection, so thank you for the inspiration.

It was great to have you with us again this year, Paul, and best wishes for your upcoming move - I hope it's not too stressful!

Until next season!

- Curt


  1. Good looking gates, Paul! I've been thinking, should I create gates or just individual poles for Gasland? Poles would be easier to store, but not that cool...

  2. Great looking gates. Good luck with the move

  3. Nice gates, Paul! Good luck with the move! :)

  4. Very nice and original gates, Paul, good job!

  5. Great looking pieces of terrain!
    Best Iain
