Tuesday 5 December 2023

Duels and Side Challenges for Challenge XIV

The the declaration of paint duels, side challenges and grudge matches extends to the earliest editions of the Challenge and has become a time-honoured tradition ever since. Paint duels help motivate some participants to keep their steam up and creates a fun atmosphere of smack-talk and brush-baiting.

For those who are new to the Challenge paint duels allow for groups of participants to test one another against their own established criteria. Maybe it's to see who can paint the most Space Marines over the duration of the Challenge, or who can paint the most figures within a particular historical period/genre. Other duels may be to see who can get to a specific points threshold first. Really, the sky's the limit - it's entirely up to participants' imagination.

Over the years the side duels have become more formalized, with many of these clashes of brush and paint have become fabled parts of Challenge history.

There's already been murmurings amongst a few participants about issuing duels, and to facilitate such, there is an area of the blog dedicated for it for tracking purposes. You can find the link to the Duels page on the top navigation bar.

One of our fine Antipodean friends, PaulOG, will be in charge of keeping track of the paint duels for this year. (Thanks Paul!!) ALL updates on duels must be sent to him for tabulation and posting - he will be the official scorekeeper of duels and side-challenges. Ndodgy spreadsheets, heretical documents, or bogus scorecards will be recognized. So send him a note to get your duel registered and keep him appraised of any progress.

Paul can be reached at:


Again, when you finish an entry that's eligible for scoring in a duel please send Paul a quick note, giving the name of the duel and the criteria you wish to log. He in turn will update the duel page. Simple! 

Okay folks! Let's see what y'all can dream up to contest each other in pigmented honour.

- Curt


  1. I guess as reigning Skulls champion it falls on me to throw down the gauntlet. Can anybody unseat me from the Skull Throne? Does anyone dare risk their own noggin against me, or will I be crowned the supreme skull collector for a third time?

    Bring it on!

    1. I'm in on the ol' skull count...just for the sake of tradition!

    2. Me as well! The bony noggins have to be honoured.

    3. I do have a couple of things with skulls in the pile, so add me to the list for this one.

    4. I have started the reanimation protocols on Skully McSkullface. The skullz will be tallied, but only if they are tagged 'Skull Duel' as per ancient tradition.

    5. Delighted to have you 'head' this heavy responsibility, Barks. It's all about ancient tradition.

    6. I will of course enter this duel....polish that noggin Stuart! 😉

  2. I have a duel to launch - "Legions And Their Auxilia Through the Ages" - to participate, you need to paint a figure in a legion, in any scale. Can be a Roman Legion, a Space Marine Legion, the French Foreign Legion, the Legion of Doom, whatever...but you need to make a credible case that the model is either a legion, or the auxilia of a legion.

    1. Sure, count me in for this one.

    2. Great! I should add - the losers paint a 28mm Legion figure for the winner...

    3. I will throw my hat in also


    4. Count me in, there are a fair few auxillia on my list for completion

    5. I was waiting for the heresy duel, Greg buy this one will be fine and encourage getting these 30k white scars done! I will enter the list for this one !...now I have to find an old marine or Roman legion figure;)

    6. I'm definitely up for this one too, thanks

    7. how about Byzantines - their kind of Romans?

  3. I have a Duel to propose (my first time, I'll admit I'm a little nervous!) - "The Really Little Guys" - any miniatures 6mm or smaller qualify. It won't be the highest points scoring duel, but hopefully fun to show the appreciation of the miniature miniatures that done if us adore painting and playing.

    1. I've still got a few 2mm figures to paint up so I'll join you on this one.

    2. Ed would you consider just 'The Little Guys' with 10mm being included? I'd be interested then. No worries if they're not small enough for you, just thought I'd ask. :)

    3. I would be interested in participating.

    4. Make it 10mm and I’m in… or maybe we just the 10mm is the king of scales thing - if we make it about magpies and squirrels then i am sure Martin C will have something to say

    5. I could never refuse a direct request from the Snow Lord. I'm very happy to stretch the qualifying scales up to 10mm :)

    6. Excellent, thank you! Count me in!

  4. 15th for 1500?
    For anyone who hasn't scored 1500 in a single Challenge, but will go for it this year.

    1. Ok, so this is 14th Challenge, not 15th... No wonder anyone wanted to join this... :) I'll try again next year - if I don't break the 1500 this year...

  5. Hmmm.. I think I may have a “few” modern type things to do .. as per last years slaughter of the innocents .(blue willow you know you were such a loser at that 😉) so if you have anything post 1960 , and non space pixie ,I will offer that up for Glory!

    1. Rough I say, rough!

      Ok in for some moderns again although this time I will try to improve my pathetic amount of completed moderns!

      MattW (Bluewillow)

  6. In honour of the new fantastically historical accurate film, anyone fancy an any scale all inclusive Napoleon dual. French Revolution and up?

    1. I certainly would be interested, especially if duel combos are allowed :)

    2. You are baiting us with the 'fantastically historically accurate' aren't you Ray? :)

    3. Count me in, I have some 18mm and 28mm to get sorted.

    4. I have some Napoleonic figures to paint, so I would be happy to join this challenge!
      Best Iain

    5. Count me in! I have a metric ton of Ottomans prepped and ready to go.

    6. Well Ray this one sounds like me I seems to have found myself with a rather large French army waiting for some paint

  7. Having hunted squirrels over the past 2 challenges, I'm keen to go big game and hunt Squirrelefants. These are massive vicious creatures (200 point units) compared to their lighter 50 point cousins . You have to be careful tracking them, though they're easily followed by the massive mounds of dung they leave behind. Just don't get too close though if errr... one of them is about his or her "business" as the back draft and payload that ensues can be very unpleasant, if not lethal

    1. So are you saying that a 'Squirrel Point' in this Challenge is a unit of 200 points?

    2. Ooops a miscalculation on my part as I thought a Squirrel was 50 points but its actually 25 points. There is a time honoured tradition of squirrels being 25 points and I'd suggest that stays. No intention to suggest a changes to that as it gives so many people a chance to take part. Now Squirrelefants on the other hand are a much larger and more dangerous animal, somewhat genetically engineered perhaps. I was channeling my inner Ken Reilly trying to be a Big Game Hunter (see what I did there :-) ) and suggesting a different category - complete units - a more realistic target (say in 28mm being 24 foot or 12 mounted) so 120 points would be the target. Alternatively a Suirrelephant could be a painted unit of at least 12 mounted or 24 foot, 3 guns and crew in any scale (points don't count). Just an idea to get whole units of decent sizes painted

    3. Yep, that's a serious sized Squirrel to be sure! I really like the concept, but it's not my jam for this year. I hope someone else takes up the gauntlet!

  8. I have a couple of piles of battletech mechs to get through. I would like to finish them for gaming this spring. How about a mecha duel of stompy robots. No need to confine this one to just Battletech. Any stompy robot in any scale will do for participation. The stomping the bot the better!

    1. Commander David, I am starcolonel Sanderfrom Clan Jade Falcon and I will accept your batchall! Count me in ;-)

    2. Since you are clan, I will represent the inner sphere!

    3. Oh I have loads of IS mini's as well ;-)

    4. I only have a few Urban mechs to paint for a friend but I will join in on the stompy mecha bots. TomL

    5. cheers Tom! Urbies for the win, did you get the plushy as well?

    6. These are all mechs from my friends pile of stompy goodness that I am helping paint. He has not admitted to buying the plushy...

  9. Put me down for some squirrels too!

  10. Would somebody be game for an Oldhammer Challenge? I am gearing up for the release if The Old World next year.

    1. Yes please. I have dwarves to ReRobertize and more undead to paint.

    2. Well you're on then Robert!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Would you allow 10mm stuff, if it's set in the Old World? No worries if you want to keep it purely to 28mm!

    5. Sorry about the previous empty comment. Though they will not be joining the new Old world yet, I will be painting some long primed Skaven to eventually complete that army. TomL

    6. @Curt, I am perfectly fine with that!

  11. Okay folks, for those of you who've accepted a duel (or multiple duels) please contact PaulOG to throw in your hat and work out the details with him. Thanks!

