Thursday 25 January 2024

From RayR: New Acquisitions & History Bonus rounds (85 points)

For my second entry into Challenge 14, I've entered the Library with 2 entries.

The first is a Dark Age Welsh Priest, holding a wooden cross, from The Miniatures Company, sold by Eureka UK.

Ok, he's Welsh from the Dark Ages, but I think he could and will fit into many other periods.

New Acquisitions: Give us something brand new and shiny.
He's a new figure, I bought him at Partizan in October, I knew he'd come in handy for the Challenge!

Next up we have another Library visit.....

History: In the AHPC Library History is not written by the victors, but by our painters!
This was probably the easiest visit ever to any of the bonus rounds. As anything I paint could go here!

So its back to the late 1600's for some Wargames Foundry French Grenadiers.

They were a doddle to paint up and will add a little colour to my Donnybrook collection.

So to the points 

Monk 5 pts + 20 bonus points = 25pts
8 x Grenadiers - 40 pts + 20 bonus points = 60pts
For a total of  85pts

TeemuL: Very nice monk, Ray. It was a good idea to purchase him and I'm sure he can carry the cross across several centuries. Grenadiers are fine looking chaps, too. I like the non-white you have used. A map of the Library would be most useful for tracking your progress. ;)


  1. Lovely work Ray. The monk would be great for Silver Bayonet. (I might need to purchase one.)

  2. Great stuff, Ray! The priest is really timeless, even genre-less, very useful. Love the grenadiers, for once not wearing fancy caps or bearskins!

  3. More Donnybrook! It's about time! Great job Ray. And that priest would work for all sorts of periods and settings.

  4. Really nice figures Ray. That priest could fit in many, many places.

  5. Wonderful work Ray. So, what is this Donnybrook thing? Is it new? ;P

    1. Surprised you've not heard of it before, Curt?

  6. Wonderful stuff. I can hear the warning for sinners to repent just looking at the priest.

    1. I think he could cause problems for both sides?

  7. really nice looking figures Ray,

  8. Some cool figures to add to your games. Glad to see you are sticking to a visible scale of minis for this challenge.

    1. You could not possibly mean my delicious 2mm figures from last year, can you?

  9. Wonderful monk Ray, I can hear the chanting. Love the grenadiers as well.

  10. Great entry Ray, anything with Welsh in it deserves a million points bonus
