Monday 5 February 2024

From AdamC - Gunboats [Maritime] (44 points )

The family (including myself) have been battling illnesses for the past few weeks painting time has been limited but at last I have something for you. Black Seas Gunboats from Warlord games.

I got this set at sale at the Mayhem Convention, the set has three gunboat squadrons. 
I can see you all counting yes there are four squadrons. 
Well one of the bases had some of the cannon broken off and Warlord replaced it. I did some work on these to make them work (fortunately the front cannons weren't damaged). I really like the gaff rig for vessels of this size. 
Here we have them as intended three guns (one forward and one each to port and starboard) .  I think the gunboat Philadelphia from the American revolution was and inspiration for the design.
You can see the "broadside" guns these were what was damaged on the other base. The sails are metal and painted by me so feel free to praise them this time 😉. Here is my progress so far.

Points wise I don't know if we have had Gunboats since point 1/700 ships where reworked (i found a reference in two separate posts where they were scored at 10 and 6 per base). I would suggest that 6 points seems more correct  points per base (2 per boat) for 24 plus an additional 20 points for the Maritime section of the library. (But adjust as necessary)
Sylvain: I really like how you created the sea surface on your bases. The waves seems to be at just the right scale for the gunboats. I love seeing submissions like yours that highlight the neglected little guys in the big battles. And yes, I agree with you points claim as these seem to match a 6mm vehicle, which is 2 points. Nicely done!


  1. Thank you I am also pleased with the way the bases came out.

  2. Great little flotillas Adam and great rescue on the damaged units. I do like the gaff rig too.

  3. Great mini ships Adam! I hate to say they're cute, but well, they are. :)

  4. Great boats. Baseing top notch as well.

  5. Very nice boats. And the sails are good too.
