Monday 5 February 2024

From FrederickC - Idols of Torment - The Insatiate (66 Points)

Idols of Torment is a dark skirmish game developed by Jeremy of Black Magic Craft, and his friend JP, in which different factions, called Orders, compete against each other to harvest the souls of the Lost in a zone called the Echo. Our local gaming group had a opportunity to play test the rules before they went to publication.


Each Order consists of a Reaper, a Corrupter, two Slayers, two Lurkers, two Stalkers, and a Totem, each class with is own set of abilities.  Each of the eight Orders also has some special characteristics unique to that faction to keep the game play interesting.  Here is my version of the Insatiate, representing Consumption, Greed, and Need. They are the official minis for the game, although the game is designed to be 'miniature agnostic'. They are all 3D printed, which gives some very detailed miniatures, but at times it was difficult to get the paintbrush into some of the recessed areas. The wings on all the figures are quite delicate, and I think it is only a matter of time before one gets broken. I painted them using Vallejo acrylics and a variety of Citadel washes to get that 'parched vampire' look.

The Insatiate (with a set of Initiative token)

Corrupters are the only Idol class that can bind themselves to the prime energy in the Lost. Totems are a superconductor of corrupted energy that enables an Eternal to manifest their Idols and focus their powers into the afterlife realm. Reapers are the Idol class specialized in reaping the souls of the the Lost.

Corrupter, Totem, and Reaper

Slayers are the Idol class specialized in melee combat.


Lurkers are the only Idol class that can make ranged attacks.



Stalkers are the Idol class specialized in manoeuvering around the Echo.


This project was definitely something different from my usual fare. All the figures are 45mm tall, with the exception of the Reaper that stands at 60mm in height. The photos don't do the figures justice. The lighting bleached out a lot of the colours, but I hope you get the idea. 😁

The points being claimed are as follows:

8 x 40mm foot figures @ 7 points each = 56 points
1 x 54mm foot figure @ 10 points = 10 points 


Sylvain: this looks like a super interesting game. The figures are unique and very... appealing in their own creepy way. Your paint job really brings out their vampire quality. Plus this is your THIRD submission for Monday. This will probably shoot you up in 1st position. What next will you bring to us?



  1. Well those are yucky! Well done.

  2. These figures are...rather disturbing, but they fit the setting and vibe of the game very well. Great job Frederick.

  3. Interestingly creepy. I was wondering when these would be released having watched a few of the BMC videos where he referenced the game

  4. Very interesting to see these!

  5. Oh my days those are creepy. Great brushwork though

  6. Very interesting figures and well painted. Reminds me of the Whispering Vault RPG long ago.

  7. Very nice looking figures Frederick, the guy vaulting over a wall is a pose I've not seen before and the wings are fun, but I agree may soon be broken

    1. Thanks, Simon. In fact as I was putting the minis back into the box after taking my 'wrap up' photo, I managed to snap off a wing and a halberd from one figure in a moment of inattention. Back in place with a drop of superglue, but I am now almost reluctant to put them on the tabletop.
