Thursday 22 February 2024

From RayR: Haitian Revolution - Haitian Infantry 25mm (140 points)


More figures for my Haitian Revolution project.
These 28 figures are all from Trent Miniatures, now available from Skytrex in the UK.

I've split them into 3 units of 8 plus the 4 command figures. I haven't added the flag yet, as I have a cunning plan in mind.

All the infantry minis come with unattached heads, (Very French Revolution eh?)
So you can add 5 different heads to the same pose and make the figures look very random.

You can see the same pose and a different head in this pic on 3 of the poses.

I think my favourite is the bear headed chap, that's a very useful head. At one time you could buy the bear heads as a separate purchase, but not anymore I'm afraid.

My plan for the flags is this. 
As the troops can be used for either pro French or Anti French, I want to have the flags swapable, so I'm looking for a thin round sleeve to glue the flags to and then they can be removed as and when I need to.

The only problem is, I can't find what I need.......yet!

Love the pose of the leader on the right, his face is so expressive!

Anyway 28 figures x 5pts make me....

140 points!

TeemuL: I like your cunning plan, it is always handy to have both flags with you, when doing the fight - especially if you are not that interested in who wins, but you survive. Of course, it might back fire and you might lose your head...
Very neat brushwork, I assume your recovery is going well? At least the production quality and quantity are what is expected from you. The guys on the hex bases look especially nice.


  1. Great work Ray. The adjustable heads really make the figures diverse. Well done.

  2. Fine work, Ray! It is good to see you full ahead again.

  3. A really nice colorful unit. Lots of character and individuality thanks to the diverse heads.

  4. Great work, love to see this project growing.

  5. Terrific post! …. I’m enjoying your Haitian project

  6. Superb work Ray. Such characterful models. You've done them proud.

  7. Great painting for interesting period !

  8. Nice work Ray, the flag idea is great and styrene hollow tube is what I've used in the past

  9. There's no stopping you from churning out excellent figures for your Caraibian adventure now is there?

  10. Great work as per usual Ray. I presume the Hex bases are for identifying?
