Thursday 22 February 2024

Thor's Day in Northern Finland

A bit different post this week, because I'm on vacation. I'm spending this week in northern Finland with my son, about 1000 kilometers north where I live, in order to see more snow. Makes sense, right? Here it is easily one meter of snow in the forest or on the hills so we have been using our brand new snowshoes (thanks Santa). Instead of an emoji, here's a photo from Monday when we walked over a small hill on a snow shoe trail. It was sunny day, so the views were great, not too much wind and nice -10 degrees or so. The end of the week should be around zero, so not that nice - snow is nice, but wet snow is not. The downside is that I didn't take any hobby stuff with me, but I guess this is a vacation from both work and hobby, so it is ok. I hope to paint a lot in March after I have been recharging my batteries here. :)

I have been able to do my minion duties and today we have at least three nice (and point heavy) entries from the Thor's Day crew:
  • BruceR continues with ACW Epic sprues
  • RayR continues with Haitian revolution
  • JamesM finishes three BFG fleets
Let's see what more we get, I'll keep you updated! At least we got some "vaque promises" again from MartijnN and SteveA. ;)


  1. Looks like you're having a great time! Have a great vacation, Teemu. Btw, vague promise fulfilled again ;-)

  2. I'm visiting Northern Norway next week. Apparently it might be a little colder than Sydney...

    1. Remember, there is no such thing as bad weather …. Just poor clothing choices 😇

  3. Enjoy the time Teemu and recharge.

  4. Yup , we know all about wet snow - it sucks!

  5. nice photo, I've had a week of decorating, so no post from me

    1. Thanks, I can't blame you, I'm slacking too. :)

  6. Enjoy the snow, shovel it before it gets wet.

    1. Gladly this is a rented place with maintenance. And there is lots of snow.

  7. Great photo! Reminds me of X-country skiing in Spruce Woods Provincial Park (Manitoba) with mom&siblings
    . So beneficial to get out and enjoy the Great White North…. Enjoy yourselves!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! They say it does good to get out.

  8. Lovely photo Teemu. I hope you had a great day of it!

    1. Thanks, a good day to minion, a good week to relax.

  9. Beautiful view Teemu. Makes me long for northern Ontario!

    1. Thanks Greg. The views are great. Sadly it is a bit overcast now.
