Wednesday 13 March 2024

From JP - Early Germanics in 25/28mm (155 points)

I have been building Marian Romans and Early Germanics for To The Strongest over the past year and some. I wanted confrontations between Rome and barbarians at a time when Rome could and did regularly lose and not the Trajanic or the Carthaginian eras. The Cimbric Wars is perfect for this. As it happens, I am also fond of the Marian period armor, so a good fit for me.

The figurines are a mix of Foundry and Victrix. I use a 10 figure unit base, with single figure removal. This is perfect for To The Strongest, a good size feel and doesn't need much more than 10 mass infantry bases (along with horse, skirmishers and other units too). I originally got into the project for Infamy Infamy and plan to use these rules as well. 

I enjoy assembling Victrix figures, the variety is a delight, but gosh darn, it is hard to beat Foundry lead, especially the Marian and Germanic ranges (Copplestone I believe?). The shields are of course LBM - where would I be without them?!

So, a couple of Warbands:

This warband is mainly noble warriors. The basing allows me to make units with nobles in the front and warriors in the second rank, or all of one.

And this is the special unit. No Germanic army can be without it. The women, witch and horse's head (all of which can double in a fantasy game).

So, points wise:

27 x 28mm figures = 135 points

This may be my last entry this year. Not sure yet. I've had a fun time and appreciate having been able to participate. Many thanks to Curtis and to Greg too for coaching me through. I hope to be back next year. 


So, the whole women-with-the-horse-head thing is a whole new angle on this setting for me! That is quite cracking and bonkers! Obviously I have missed out on some reading and inspiration.

And all is, as ever, done with your customary excellent brushwork. Thanks for sharing your work and passion for this wonderful hobby with all of us! We have enjoyed your submissions very much. 

As for points, I'll throw in a last "Sarah's Cart" bonus for the unit of women too. That will be 155 points for you! Well done JP!



  1. Lovely work JP! I agree, there is something special about that Foundry range of Romans and Ancient Germans - such great models.

  2. Great stuff. I love that stand of women in particular.

  3. Your women's unit do doubt increases the noble unit's moral. Great work.

  4. Lovely painting and basing, and your women are excellent!

  5. Lovely work. Hell hath no fury...

  6. brilliant post, I've painted that crazy horse head set was fun but weird. I've enjoyed your post and maybe just maybe there might be another before the end.

  7. Nice work JP, love the shields!

  8. Great work JP! The warriors are very good, but my favourite must be the lady obviously telling off her sheepishly looking husband for stopping at the pub again on the way home!
